APO 202, c/o Postmaster
                              New York, New York

NUMBER     172)               E X T R A C T                       21 July 1954

     1.  FOL named AMN (Pipeline) are REL from ASG with this ORG & are ASG to
ORG & STA INDC.  REPT DT W/B ESTBL by PAD.  TPA within ZI with number of days
TVL time AUTH.  If POV is not used, TVL time W/B time of COMM CARR used.  Con-
current TVL of DEPN AUTH.  AMN will REPT, upon REC of these orders, to MATS
Traffic Office, Booking Hall, Prestwick APRT, for purpose of processing for MVMT
by first AVAL ACFT to ZI.  AMN BAG ALWS will not EXC 65 pounds.  DEPN BAG ALWS
will not EXC 100 pounds.  All MIL PMT CERT W/B converted to US CURR and/or other
negotiable INSTR prior to DEPT.  MPR, S/R & all A/P will ACMP AMN.  Mail W/B ADD 
to show GR, NAME, AFSN & ZI DY ASG.  CORR & PUB W/B notified of new ADD.  SHIPMT
AFR 75-7.  Air priorities W/B as INDC. DDALVP W/B thirty unless otherwise INDC.
WP PCS TDN TBMAA 5753500 548-132 P.531.9 02-03-07 S99-999.  AUTH: AFR 35-59,
AFR 35-13, AFM 30-3, 3d AFR 11-1 & AS INDC.  MIL PERS ARR Idlewild APRT, NY will
REPT DET D, 2225 PERPGRU, FT Hamilton, NY for purpose of processing for  orders.
EDCSA:  12 AUG 54.
RANK   NAME                    SN            UAFSC      OFL TVL TIME             
M/SGT  DONALD C JOHNSON        AF37280577    96170      Six (6) days
   DEPN: (W) DORIS H, age 34, (S) HOLLY D, age 7, (S) DONALD C, age 5, (D)
         JUSTICE C, age 3, TVL on US PP 46104
   ASG:  98TH ABGRU, Lincoln AFB, NEBR (SAC)
   Air Priorities: AMN (USUK-3D-1564-AF7/24) DEPN (USUK-3DM-1565-AF7/24)
   AUTH:  7TH AD MSG, 10024,dated 11 JUN 54
A/1C   EARL G CARPENTER        AF15431205    70350      Seven (7) days
   ASG: 98TH ABGRU, Lincoln AFB, NEBR (SAC)
   DEPN (W) Wanda L, age 19, (S) EARL G, JR, age 21, months, TVL on US PP 51899
   Air Priorities: AMN (USUK-3D-1556-AF7/24) DEPN (USUK-3DM-1557-AF7/24)
   AUTH:  MSG HQ 7TH AD, PDMA 9982, dated 11 JUN 54
S/SGT  CARROLL W WELCH         AF14376873    70250      Seven (7) days
   ASG:  805TH ABGRU, Barksdale AFB, LA (SAC)
   DEPN (W) MOLLIE J, age 23, (D) LOURAINE C, age 5 months, TVL on BR PP 644854,
        VISA 22742,&US PP 2933
   Air Priorities: AMN (USUK-3D-1573-AF7/24) DEPN (USUK-3D-1574-AF7/24)
   AUTH:  7TH AD MSG PDMA 10023, dated 11 JUN 54
S/SGT  DARRLELL L, DYER        AF19064401    47151      Eight (8) days
   ASG: 3645TH FLYTNGWG, Laughlin AFB, TEX (ATRC)   Sixty (60) DDALVP
   DEPN (W) AMY C, age 35, TVL on BR PP A-238112, VISA I-232953, (S) PATRICK,
        age 7, TVL on US PP 62547
   Air Priorities: AMN (USUK-3D-1675-AF7/24) DEPN USUK-3DM-1676-AF7/24
   AUTH:  HQ USAF LTR File AFPMP-2F, SUBJ: (UNCL)"ASG for World Wide JUL 54 RTRN"
M/SGT  DONALD E NICHOL         AF13107361    70270      Thirteen (13) days
   DEPN (W) PEGGY J, age 31, (D) SALLY M, age 3, TVL on US PP 541125
   Air Priorities: AMN (USUK-3D-1660-AFy/24) DEPN (USUK-3D-1661-AF7/24)
   AUTH:  LTR HQ AWS SUBJ: "ASG for World-Wide JUL 54 RTRN, dated 28 MAY 54
T/SGT  JAMES B MCLAUGHLIN      AF39277678    33170      eleven (11) days
   ASG: 43D AVNSQ, Davis-Monthan AFB, ARIZ  (SAC)
   DEPN (W) JOYCE E, age 26, TVL on BR PP 629523, VISA 22758, & (S) ROBERT J, age
        2, TVL on US PP 2780
   Air Priorities: AMN (USUK-3D-1542-AF7/24) DEPN (USUK-3DM-1543-AF7/24)
   AUTH:  HQ 7TH AD MSG PDMA 9982, dated 11 JUN 54.

Special Orders number 172 , Detachment, 2, 7551st Personnel Processing Squadron, APO 202, c/o Postmaster, New York, New York, dated 21 JUL 54 PAR 1 (CONT'D) RANK NAME SN USAFE OFL TVL TIME T/SGT JOSEPH A SCAMORDELLA AF12042414 64171 Seven (7) days DEPN (W) MARQUERITE F, age 25, (S) JAMES R, age 4, (D) PAULA M, age 8, and (D) GLORIA J, age 5, & THOMAS A, age 3, TVL on US PP 50735 Air Priorities: AMN (USUK-3D-1540-AF7/24) DEPN (USUK-3DM-1541-AF7/24) AUTH: HQ 7TH AD MSG, APO 125, USAF, PDMA 9982, dated 11 JUN 54 S/SGT DOUGLAS H THOMAS AF16353634 96150 One (1) day ASG: 506TH STRATFTRWG, Dow AFB, ME (SAC) Forty-Five (45) DDALVP DEPN (W) SHIRLEY L, age 21, (S) GORDON D, age 22, months TVL on US PP 503262 Air Priorities: AMN (USUK-3D-1544-AF7/24) DEPN USUK-3D-1545-AF7/24) AUTH: MSG HQ 7TH AD APO 125, USAF PDMA 9982, dated 11 JUN 54 A/1C JAMES F ARP AF35535740 95150 Eight (8)days ASG 42ND AD, Bergstrom AFB, TEX (SAC) DEPN (W) BOBBIE C, age 25, (D) JUDY F, age 7, TVL on US PP 59283 Air Priorities: AMN (US K-3D-1552-AF7/24) DEPN (USUK-3DM-1553-AF7/24) AUTH: MSG HQ 7TH AD, APO 125, USAF PDMA 9982,, dated 11 JUN 54 T SGT GEORGE L WARRICK JR AF42154982 43171-L Six (6) days ASG: 40th BOMB WG, Smoky Hill AFB, KAN. DEPN (w) Annabelle P age 25, (d) Cynthia A age 5 and (d) Lynne B age 17 MOS all tvl on US PP #50684. Air Priorities: AMN (USUK-3D-1518-AF7/22) DEPN USUK-3DM-1519-AF7/22) AUTH: HQ 7TH ADIV MSG, PDMA 9986, DTD 11 JUN 54. 2.SMOP 11, SO 167, this ORG, CS, pertaining to AMN ASG W/I UK as reads: "REL from ASG with this ORG & ASG to ORG & STA INDC", is AMND to read: "Having REPT this ORG, per PAR 7, SO 77, 2225 PERPGRU, Camp Kilmer, NJ for ASG are FUR ASG from 2225 PERPGRU, Camp Kilmer, NJ to ORG & STA INDC." AUTH: AFR 35-13, AFM 30-3 & 3D AFR 11-1. 3. FOL named Officers (Pipeline), are REL from ASG with this ORG & are ASG to ORG & STA INDC. REPT DT W/B ESTBL by PAD. TPA within ZI with number of days INDC AUTH. If POV is not used, TVL time W/B time of COMM CARR used. Officers will REPT, upon REC of these orders, to MATS Traffic Office, Booking Hall, Prest- wick APRT, for purpose of processing for MVMT By first AVAL ACFT to ZI. Officers BAG ALWS will not EXC 65 pounds. All MIL PMT CERT W/B converted to US CURR and/o other negotiable INSTR prior to DEPT. MPR, Officers & WO Qual Card (DA AGO Form 66) and all A/P will ACMP Officer. Mail W/B ADD to show GR, name, AFSN & ZI DY ASG. CORR & PUB W/B notified of new ADD. Air Priorities as INDC. Thirty (30) DDALVP. WP PCS TDN TBMAA 5753500 548-341 P 531.9 02-03-07 S99-999. AUTH: AFR 35-59, AFR 35-13, AFM 30-3, 3D ADR 11-1 & as INDC. MIL PERS ARR Idlewild APRT, NY will REPT DET 1, 2225 PERPGRU, Ft Hamilton, NY for processing of orders. EDCSA: 12 AUG 54. RANK NAME SN UAFSC OFL TVL TIME MAJ RALPH L BUTLER AO402419 2524 Six (6) days ASG: HQS 1ST WEAGRU (AWS-MATS) Offutt AFB, NEBR for DY OWC against COMD RQN Air Priority: (USUK-3D-1659-AF7/24) AUTH: 2D WEAWG MSG PERS 634 dated 5 APR 54 CAPT WAYNE R COBB AO718957 7744 Five (5) days ASG: 314TH TRPCARR WG, Sewart AFB, TENN, against JUL RQN, Page 8, Line 7 AFSC: 1054B, REPT AUG 54, Air Priority: (USUK-3D-1491-AF7/22) AUTH: HQ USAF AFPMP-1-L-1a, 14 MAY 54 THOMAS M. TRACY Captain USAF Commander