Welcome to the WA4IML web page. I've been a ham since 1974.  We have four hams in our family.  My wife Karen is AB4VE. Two of our 3 sons are also hams.

My favorite aspect of ham radio is QRP (low power operating -- that's 5 watts or less).
I enjoy building. My first QRP transmitter was the Tuna-Tin 2 by Doug DeMaw from QST, May 1976.  Below are some of the other projects I've built. I've included some comments with photos.
WN4IML Novice Station
Here's my novice station, WN4IML, 1974. The transmitter is an E.F. Johnson Navigator that I built from a kit. I purchased it from another ham in 1967 or '68. It's now a collector's item. The receiver is a Drake 2B with 2CQ Q-multiplier. I made the mahogoney shelf in high school woodshop. Sadly, I no longer have either the transmitter or receiver. E.F. Johnson did provide many of their transmitters in kit form. This one had been setting in a box for several years when I got it.

Other Projects:


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