I decided that rather than to re-write the book, I would make available to you, the links to the pertinent sites that will allow you to easily create your installation DVD, install Linux Mint and to undertake the necessary, suggested, and other steps to have you up and running with a nice, stable operating system. This will save you a lot of search time!

The following links will cover the creation of the latest Mint Installation DVD (live), with the Cinnamon desktop, and fine tuning it.

Note: It all should be self explanatory, however, if there is something that isn’t clear to you, drop me an email and I will be more than glad to help you out.

The latest Mint, Cinnamon Instructions

Download the installation ISO file - 32 or 64 bit Cinnamon - Remember to download the right one for your computer! If in doubt, check 'System' in your control panel. If still in doubt, then use 32 bit cinnamon. 64 bit is better (faster) but won't run in a 32 bit machine.

NOTE:, the Cinnamon editions are at the very first (top) of the list.

Download the ISO file

O.K. Now that you have it downloaded, let's create your live installation DVD or USB Stick.

How to create your Linux Mint live installation DVD or USB stick using Windows.

Create the Live Installation DVD or USB Stick.

You should now have your DVD or USB ready so now let's install the latest Mint Cinnamon!

Installing Mint

Let's install Linux Mint!

Now that it is installed, there are several things to do to finalize (fine tune) it for your most convenient useage. Remember most of these allow you to copy and paste the terminal commands into your terminal window thus eliminating errors.

Do these immediately after installing. Some are strongly suggested - some optional

Things to do following installation of Mint

So, there you are! You should be up and running with a GREAT operating system that is far less troublesome than Windows and far more secure. Plus ---It's FREE!

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