WA3UMY IRLP node pictures


Here are some pictures of the WA3UMY IRLP node system
under construction during December, 2001:

The picture (above) shows the 450 MHz Pentium computer
contributed by Cal (N3CAL) which runs the Linux operating
system and hosts the IRLP hardware and software.


Here's the brand new LINKSYS router and 4-port smart switch
with 4 10/100 Megabit/second ports.  This unit connects between
the Verizon DSL modem and the IRLP computer system.


This is a view of the IRLP parts package received from Dave Cameron
(IRLP system designer) on 24 December 2001 that is used to interface
the Linux computer to the repeater system.  Also included was the software
for the computer (on the CD-ROM and diskette).


This is the heart of the connection between the WA3UMY repeater and the Internet...
the T1 (1.54 Megabit/second) Verizon DSL modem (white box) is on the right and the
Linksys 4-port 10/100 router (blue box) is on the left.  The WAN Ethernet signal
from the DSL modem is fed to the router and split into 4 new Ethernet connections
to feed the various computers in the house, including the IRLP Linux computer.


OK, I know... what a messy place!  Yep, but this picture was taken one day before we
activated the node when it REALLY was a mess from all the wiring scraps on the floor
and resistors, soldering irons and tools were everywhere.  It looks much cleaner now!

When do we start the next project?


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Copyright � 2001-2008, WA3UMY Remote Base Repeater Systems
All rights reserved.