Bozo's Encounter with GLADYS


Just before the last summer ended, Bozo met Gladys. He had seen Spiders before, but just never paid much attention to them. What got his attention this time, was a faint chewing sound. His ears perked up, his eyes glanced all around, and there to his surprise was a Spider having some lunch!

"Who are you?" ,said Bozo. "I am Gladys" the Spider answered. "Well I'm glad to meet you, but what are you eating ?" "I am eating a bug, what do you think I am eating" said Gladys. "I am not surprised at that" said Bozo. "I sometimes eat a Bug too, but not very often. "Uncle Henry gives me gourment cat food, but sometimes I like a little change. Of course I never let anyone know that I eat them. It's nice to find some one else that likes the taste of bugs."

Well, as told to Uncle Henry by Bozo, Gladys was not very impressed by that, because bugs are the main course for Spiders and they have to work very hard to catch them. She explained it this way to Bozo:

"First, she said, "I have to build a Web and that takes a lot work. That's because I have to spin the Web out of the silk thread that is inside me. Then after the Web is made, I have to wait and wait and wait. Sometimes I get so hungry waiting, that I think I could eat a Cat."

Bozo's tail really went skyward on that remark! "What do you mean, eat a Cat, I am a cat! Why did you say that?". "Oh", she said, "that is just an expression, I meant nothing personal. It's just that you look so nice and fat and I am still hungry. Just waiting around for another bug is trying my patience, to say nothing about my poor stomach."

Just then a big juicy bug entered Glady's web. Gladys moved like greased lightning and surrounded the bug with some sticky stuff and started to eat lunch. It took just about a minute for Gladys to finish off her new bug. Then she turned to Bozo and said," Well, now I feel better. My, that was good!. You know Bozo, you brought me some luck. I hope you'll come back again soon"

Well, you know how Cat's are. Bozo just said, "Yeah, see you around, I got things to do. Nice talking with you". Then he mumbled to himself, "what a crazy Spider, if she thinks talking about eating a Cat is such a great thing, she has another thought coming. I'll keep out of her way, just in case. Crazy Spider! But I will say one thing for her, she sure has some pretty yellow markings on that eight legged body of hers!"

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