Bozo's talk with Mr.Chip

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Just after the rain a few days ago,Bozo decided to lie down on some flat rocks to cool off, near the old stone wall. It had been a hot humid day with the rain in the mood for teasing. First it would rain, then the Sun would come out, then it would rain again. Finally it stopped. Bozo was in no mood for what was about to take place. This is what he told Uncle Henry about the his meeting with Mr. Chip.

"I was sound asleep",said Bozo "when I hear a chip chip chip sound. At first I thought it was a bird, or maybe a woodpecker. But I was wrong. It was a Chipmunk. I have to tell you, Chipmunks are to me what a big mouth bass is to a fisherman. Real hard to resist! My mouth started to water as that nutty Chipmunk came close and closer. Well, I figured, I'll just stay quiet on my cool rock and maybe he will come a little closer. That stripy little guy kept comming. My heart started to pound. In just one more second I will have him. OHHH, got him !"

I grabbed him by the neck and was about to sink in my teeth, when all of a sudden he let out such a howl that I dropped him. Darn it all! He took off like a streak of lightning, and I noticed that his tail was straight up! Just like mine ! After all, I am an uptail cat, and I am very concious of any one with an uptail. He flew into a crevice in the rocks. So I just waited, and hoped he would come out again.

I waited and waited. Finally I saw just the very tip of his nose. Now this part is hard to believe, but he started talking cat talk ! I could understand every word he said! I won't bore you will all the details but here is the jist of the conversation that I had with him:

He said his name was Mr.Chip and he asked me why I tried to catch him. Well, of course I had to tell him the truth, after all how can you tell a fib to a Chipmunk ?

"Well Mr. Chip" I said, "cats are supposed to hunt and eat Chipmunks that's just the way it is. Don't ask me why. I am not responsible for the way the world is. All I know is that I am supposed to catch you, it's just natural."

Mr. Chip replied "Yeah, I guess so, but I don't like it. How about making an exception once in awhile, it could'nt hurt right ?"

"I suppose so", said Bozo. "Maybe I will this time. But first give me a good reason why I should."

Mr. Chip put it this way. "I am smaller then you, I am a tail up person just like you and besides that I have to store all kinds of food to get through the winter. You Mr.Cat are fed all the time and your never really hungry. Count your blessings Mr.Cat!

"Well, I guess your right Mr. Chip", said Bozo. "But don't count on it every time. Just for now I will not hunt you, so go ahead and do whatever Chipmunks do. But for goodness sake, stop that darned Chip,Chip, Chip stuff, that noise drives me crazy!"

With that Mr. Chip took off with his tail straight up and went home to tell his family about his encounter with Bozo, the uptailed Cat !

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