Old Radio, Audio, and other Vintage Electronics

Mark Connelly, WA1ION

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Links to Pictures and Product Descriptions

Realistic 8-transistor TRF portable (1961: Radio Shack, stock number A90L696)
"rocket radio" (1961: Radio Shack, stock number A44D296)
"Geniac" toy computer (1961: Radio Shack, stock number A98LX397)
Hammarlund receivers (1961: Radio Shack)
Hammarlund HX-500 transmitter (1961: Radio Shack)
Lafayette Criterion 1000 tape recorder (1965: Lafayette, stock number 99K1501WX)
experimenter parts (1965: Lafayette)
Lafayette HA63 receiver (1965: Lafayette, stock number 99K2534WX)
slide rules (1965: Lafayette)
Nordmende Globetraveler portable multiband receiver (1967: Radio Shack, stock number 12-1259)
tuning capacitors (1967: Radio Shack)
Realistic 10-transistor TRF portable (1967: Radio Shack, stock number 12-614)
The "classic" Realistic TRF portable (1970's: Radio Shack, stock number 12-655)

Old Magazine Articles

articles on Radio Americas (Swan Island) (1967: Electronics Illustrated and Radio-TV Experimenter)
excerpt from White's shortwave radio log (1967: Radio-TV Experimenter)