BVARC Minutes 8/27/11

Seven members present. Meeting called to order by President Workman AC0OM. Minutes of previous meeting (April) read and approved as read.

Treasurer Report $2,281.31 on hand. Bill's - Mark Doehling WD0AAH, $65.00 for Field Day expenses. Insurance $139.00 to Marsh Ins. Co.

Discussion held on possibility of purchasing a Honda generator for club's use @ field day and in emergency situations. Model EU2000I $899.00. No action taken.

Discussion held on simulated emergency set up. Could do this with Seward/York Hospitals.

Tom Hiser is a Seward Ham, invite him to next meeting.

Discussion held on the need for a repeater in the Seward area. Possible location's Seward 911 tower, water tower, or on Harry Fuller's KB0NVA Rohn tower. No action taken.

Check to see if Rod WD0EUZ still York Co. Emergency coordinator? Gary Peterson is Seward Co. Coordinator.

Moved by AE0O to adjourn, KD0XB seconded, Carried Next meeting 9/24/2011 @ First Street Bar & Grill.

Secretary, Bev Naber KA0VSO