BVARC Minutes 4/16/11

Meeting called to order at the First Street Bar and Grill, Utica, NE by President Martin Workman AC0OM. Minutes of 3/26/2011 meeting read and approved. Treasurers Report Balance on hand 4/16, $2,485.31. Bills -- Repeater insurance $139.00.

Discussion held on providing communications for the Stromsburg Run, the weekend before Field Day. N0RX will check and advise via 2meters.

Erick KC0AHK reported he has a four cavitity duplexer, he will donate to the club. President will meet with Erick.

Field Day June 25, 2011, at WD0AAH QTH bring equipment and goodies, will setup that morning, start operation at noon.

No meeting in May. Next meeting at Field Day.

Motion to adjourn, carried.

Bev Nabor, KA0VSO, Secratary