Mono/Dual Band




v     Mono-band/Dual-band (Single VFO/Dual VFO)

A mono-band radio will operate on only one band, most commonly, 2M (144-148 MHz), or 70 CM (440 MHz). There are 2 types of dual-band radios: Single VFO and Dual VFO. (VFO is the acronym for Variable Frequency Oscillator). A single VFO Dual-band radio will operate on one band at a time, either 2M OR 440 MHz. A dual VFO dual-band radio will listen on both 2M AND 440 MHz simultaneously. However, they will transmit on one band at a time. Different manufacturers can call the band you choose to transmit on different names. Examples of each are the Main band & the Sub-band; or the Main band & the Alternate band. Some dual-band dual VFO radios are capable of a function called cross-band repeat that is covered on this PAGE. An easy way to tell if it is a dual VFO dual-band is if the display shows 2 frequencies simultaneously, for example: 146.520 / 446.000. Current examples of each dual-band dual VFO radios are the Icom 2820, the Kenwood ####, or the Yaesu FT-2800. Generally speaking the price increases from a mono-band to a dual-band single VFO to a dual-band dual VFO radio. Your VFO can be thought of as your tuning dial.


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