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 The Monthly Newsletter of the 
 Monongalia Wireless Association

President: Bill Jacobs, WA8YCG 

 Secretary/Treasurer: Norton Smith, WD8AFJ 

Vice President: Richard Kennedy, W8PT 

 Newsletter Editor: Norene Arnold, N8TJM

January 1997 


Eclipses of the sun and the moon are awesome events that inspire wonder in all who see them. How do they occur? The ARRL propagation bulletin for December 20, 1996 included some interesting comments from Dave Palmer about solar and lunar eclipses:

"Solar and lunar eclipses do not represent anything special in terms of planetary positions. They're really just a matter of perspective. Solar eclipses occur only at the new moon, when the moon is between the Earth and sun. Lunar eclipses happen only at full moon, when the Earth is between the moon and sun.

But full/new moon happens about every 28 days. The reason we don't get eclipses (on Earth, at least) twice a month is that the moon's ''orbit about the Earth'' is tilted, and the coincidence of an exact line-up of the sun-moon-Earth (as seen from some spot on Earth) happens only a couple times per year. However, every new moon, there is a solar eclipse out in space, either north or south of the Earth, and every full moon, there's a lunar eclipse north or south of the moon (ok, really, there's a solar eclipse somewhere in space for as long as the moon is not obscured by the Earth, and a lunar eclipse for as long as the moon is totally obscured by the Earth). The point is that the eclipse's shadow usually just misses hitting the Earth (or the moon)."

de Jack, WF8X


I just bought a used AZDEN PCS-4000, 2 meter mobile radio. With no owner's manual. Anyone that could help me with a copy or let me borrow to copy would be appreciated.

I can be reached:
packet KB8CVP @ W8SP.WV.USA.NA
phone 304-329-0615

Larry Slagle
 208 Albright Rd.
 Kingwood, WV. 26537

73, KB8CVP


Some members of MWA and their ham radio friends, have, or have access to, computers and modems, but do not want to pay (i.e., are too cheap) for full Internet access. Others have Internet access, but do not want to spend time (i.e., are too lazy) "surfing the web" to look at ham radio sites. If you are a member of one of these groups, there is a way for you to receive DX bulletins and to look up U.S. and foreign addresses for QSL exchange by using Internet e-mail. Furthermore, there is a way for you to establish a free Internet e-mail address for both receiving and sending Internet e-mail, which can be used for ham, personal, or even commercial purposes.

To get a free Internet address, contact Jan, KX2A, and he will have send you a disk of their software. You load this software onto your PC (IBM-compatible, running Windows), and follow directions. The software will find a telephone number for access (there is now one in Morgantown, WV, as well as an 800 number). Once you have signed up and established an Internet address (I use [email protected]), you run the software, which automatically dials, picks up e-mail, drops off e-mail, and hangs up. You will also receive some advertisements (someone has to foot the bill). This software can be copied or given away; give it to others who need an address.

Once you have an Internet address, here are some ham radio ways to use it.

To subscribe to the Ohio-Penn DX Newsletter, send an e-mail message.
 To: [email protected]
 Subject: blank or anything at all
 Body of message: subscribe (your-e-mail-address; e.g. subscribe [email protected])

To subscribe to the 425 DX Newsletter from Italy.
 To: [email protected]
 Subject: blank or anything at all
 Body of message: Subscribe 425 dxnews (your-e-mail-address; e.g. Subscribe 425 dxnews [email protected])

To look up a U.S. address when you know the callsign. Many callsigns can be checked at once. You will receive an answer via e-mail. It takes a minute or so, and you must again check your e-mail for new messages. Or you can just leave the e-mail until the next time you check it.

To: [email protected]
 Subject: blank or anything at all
 Body of message: lookup (callsign1)
 lookup (callsign 2)
 Example of body: lookup KX2A
 lookup K8LG

To look up a foreign address when you know the callsign. Many callsigns can be checked at once. You will receive an answer via e-mail. It takes a minute or so, and you must again check your e-mail for new messages. Or you can just leave the e-mail until the next time you check it.

To: [email protected]
 Subject: blank or anything at all
 Body of message: (callsign 1)
 (callsign 2)
 Example of body: JA1XBS

Any insults in this message are purely intentional. If I get a bunch of copies of QSL addresses or DX bulletins because you used my sample callsign instead of your own, I will personally come to your QTH and cut off your coax with a small, dull, rusty cutter (this is very painful).

Jan Ditzian
 RR 1 Box 265A
 Mt. Morris, PA 15349
 (412) 324-9160


March 8, 1997 -- State Radio Council Meeting -- Western Sizzlen -- Westover, WV -- Hosted by MWA

The next VE test session sponsored by MWA will be on Thursday, February 26, 1997 at 7 pm in the Engineering Sciences Building at WVU.

February 26, 1997 

 June 25, 1997 

April 30, 1997 


For additional information contact Jan Ditzian (KX2A) via one of the following methods. 

 Telephone: 412-324-9160 

 Packet: @ W8SP 

 E-Mail: [email protected] 

If you are planning to attend one of the sessions, please contact Jan prior to the testing date so the VE team can properly prepare for the exams.


If you have articles for SOLID COPY please contact me via any of the following methods: 

on packet at W8SP 

by mail at 

Rt 3, Box 421 
 Morgantown, WV 26505 

via telephone (304) 296-8823. 

via E-Mail: 
 [email protected] 

Articles for the February 1997 issue of SOLID COPY are due to me by Tuesday, February 4, 1997.


The meeting of MWA will be Tuesday, January 21, 1997 at 7:30 PM in the Engineering Sciences Building.

Every Monday 
Every Tuesday 
Every Wednesday 
Every Wednesday 
Every Thursday 
Every Thursday 
Every Saturday 
at 9:00 pm 
at 7:00 pm 
at 7:30 pm 
at 10:00 pm 
at 9:00 pm 
at 8:00 pm 
at 7:30/9:30 pm 
Oakland, MD ARES 
SJARC (tone 103.5) 
DAREN Packet 
145.350 MHZ 
146.805 MHZ 
145.430 MHZ 
146.760 MHZ 
147.045 MHZ 
147.075 MHZ 
145.690 MHZ

Copyright 1997 by the Monongalia Wireless Association. Material published herein is the opinion of the indicated authors and not necessarily the Monongalia Wireless Association. Permission is granted to reproduce materials herein in whole or in part provided credit is given to both author and to SOLID COPY.

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