Tornado/Thunderstorm Safety

Preparing for a tornado:

Have emergency supplies on hand, including a battery-operated radio, a flashlight and a supply of fresh batteries.

Know the location of designated shelter areas in public facilities, such as scholls, shopping centers and other public buildings.

Make an inventory of household furnishings and other possessions. Supplement it with photographs of each room, Keep in a safe place.

Plan ahead. Be sure everyone in your household knows where to go and what to do in case of a tornado warning, Make plans for those who may have trouble getting to shelter.

What to do when thunderstorms approach:

Move to a sturdy building or car. Do not take shelter in small sheds, under isolated trees, or in convertible cars. If no sturdy shelter is near, get inside a hard top car and keep windows roolled up.

If too far from shelter, find a lopw spot away from trees, fences and poles, but not in a place subject to flooding. If you are boating or swimming, get to land and shelter immediately.

If you feel your skin tingle or hair stand on end,squat low to the ground on the balls of your feet. Place your hands on your knees with your head between them. Minimize contact with the ground.

Telephone lines and metal pipes can conduct electricity. Unplug appliances not necessary for receiving weather information. Use telephones only in an emergency.

What to do when a tornado theatens:

Stay away from windows, doors and outside walls, Protect your head.

In homes and small buildings, go to the basement or to an interior part on the lowest level. Get under something sturdy.

In schools, hospitals and public places, move to designated shelter areas. Interior hallways on the lowest floors are best.

Leave mobile homes and vehicles, and go to the nearest shelter. If there is no shelter nearby, lie in the nearest ditch and shield your head with your arms.

After a tornado:

Inspect your property, including motor vehicles for damage. Check for electrical problems and gas leaks and report it to the the utility company at once. If you have damage, contact your insurance agent.

Watch out for fallen power lines. Stay out of damaged buildings until you are sure they are safe and will not collapse. Secure your property from further damage or theft.

Use only approved or chlorinated supplies of drinking water. Check food supplies.