From an Old Old Timer

Hi! My name is John Herro, W8CW, and I was first licensed as K9YRA in 1960 at the age of 14! Ham Radio is a wonderful hobby!

I started out with modest equipment in kit form, with money saved from my allowance. The old timers among you may remember the Heathkit AR-3 receiver and the Heathkit DX-40 transmitter. The latter ran 75 watts CW and 60 watts controlled carrier A.M. (Ancient Modulation) on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters. The antenna was a 20-foot vertical (Mosley V-4-6).

After four years, I upgraded to the Amateur Extra Class license and started experimenting with a new mode that was taking over the upper portions of the phone bands, Single Sideband (SSB). I attached a Heathkit SB-10 to the DX-40.

In 1976 I made a "DX-pedition" to the newly independent Bahamas. Their prefix had just changed from VP6 to C6A, and I operated as W8LKW/C6A during the CW weekend of the ARRL DX contest. Many people wanted to work the new prefix.

Well, ham radio has changed a lot since I was first licensed in 1960, but one thing hasn't changed: it's still the greatest hobby in the world! If you're thinking about becoming a ham, by all means go through with it. You'll be glad you did!

- John, W8CW