I was born and raised in what is still known as "the entertainment capital of the world," Las Vegas, Nevada.
After graduating from high school I took general studies at Clark County Community College. I continued my studies in computer science at Dixie College in St. George, Utah.
I worked for the Bureau of Reclaimation while still in high school, for the State of Nevada as a secretary, and as a reservations clerk for a number of hotel/casinos.
In 1989, I moved to St. George, Utah, and in November 1991, I married my best friend, Dan Farwell, W8EQA.
In 1992, we moved into our new home and I started my own secretarial business.

In 1999, I decided to get back into the regular work force and hired on at Snow and Jensen Law Firm as a legal secretary, the most challenging job of my life. I still do a little secretarial work out of our home.
My husband tutored me into a Extra class ham radio license. I enjoy working countries around the world on voice mode and am working towards my DXCC award. I would like to become more involved in traffic nets. In May of 2000, I received my vanity call sign W7RRR.

My husband and I are members of the Christian and Missionary Alliance which has missionaries in over 100 countries. I'm currently studying the Greek language to aid in my Bible studies and am continually growing in my knowledge of the Lord Jesus, my Savior. Click here if you would like to know more about Jesus:

A few of my favorite sites:
Greek Lexicon
Bible study resource

We sponsor two children in Ethiopia through World Vision. It is an honor and a priviledge to be a small part of the World Visions' work. We invite you to visit this web store owned by our relative: Franks
DVD,CD books & electronics Store
We also support the Voice of the
, an organization striving for religious freedom for all Christians throughout the world. VOM helps families of those who have been
murdered or imprisoned for their faith in Jesus.
Please QSL via the W7 bureau or direct to:
Melody L. Farwell
95 N. 2300 E.St George,
Utah 84790-2437