Yorba Linda RACES

W6YLR Is the club station for Yorba Linda Radio Amatuer Civil Emergency Service (RACES). The Yorba Linda RACES organizaion is a volunteer organization that serves the community of Yorba Linda, CA and surrounding Orange County. We provide radio communication assistance to the city of Yorba Linda in time of emergency or other needs.

For further information of what RACES is all about click here.

Yorba Linda RACES conducts its NETS on 146.895 (–) PL 136.5 on the first and third Thurssdays of every month. (Holidays excepted) at 7:30 pm. Visitors are welcome to check into the net when visitor check in is called for. Additionally some members will likely remain on this frequency following the NET to answer any visitor questions.

Yorba Linda RACES general meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at the Yorba Linda Comunity center. Your can ask the community center staff for the meeting room number as it sometimes varies. Visitors are welcome.

For information on joining Yorba Linda RACES, you are encouraged to attend a meeting ot NET where further information on joining can be provided.

For further information, you can contact us via e-mail at [email protected]

Last Updated 11/13/2000