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Photo Album pg2
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Field Day 2002

Jimmy-KD5GMW    John-WA5COR    Russell-KD5TLP
first you have to give'm directions


Bill-KB4JKQ         Ken-W5KEC         John-WA5COR
boy this looks like a county crew, 2 looking, 1 taking pictures and 1 working


WA5COR         W5KEC         W5RHL         KE5TT
Still 11 feet to go on the pushup, final height was 35 feet.
This antenna had a 20 meter rotatable dipole on top and the
pushup itself was a 40 meter 1/4 wave vertical with 4 ground radials.
This pushup was sitting on the neck of a brandy bottle, which
of course had to be emptied to make it resonate properly, hi hi


Bill - KB4JKQ            John - WA5COR
bringing in another PSK31 contact


George - KB6FO     Jimmy - KD5GMW
ummmmmm!!  let's see, lets just turn the power up a little more.


Warren - KE5TT
great job again Warren, just look at those log sheets


Soon to be Hams
Russell had said he is going to get his ticket this year.
He sure did, Welcome "KD5TLP"
And who knows, maybe his sister will follow along. 


Connie - W5CON         Russell - KD5TLP
what a team Connie and Russell made


Here is Stan hitting the chow line


    WA5COR       KD5GMW     WB5VUH      KB4JKQ
What a great surprise we had when the ARRL Section Manager showed up. 
Bob Ideker - WB5VUH is one hard working man having visited many Field Day sites over the weekend.


John - WA5COR, "Hey stay away from my steaks!!!"


Bob - W5RHL
A Great big "THANKS" goes to Bob
for allowing us to use his hanger.


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