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Letter from your new President

Hello All:
 Thanks to all for the opportunity to take the reins of the Greers Ferry Amateur Radio Club. Hopefully we can continue to meet monthly for lunch and  meetings. Towards that end I have asked Past President Connie,W5CON, Martha, KA6BIS, and Shirley, WB7NWR to act as the social committee to plan the meetings.
 This year we are planning to work on tower and radio projects as often as possible. Our members can supply us with enough challenges to stay reasonably busy, and enjoy the work. Those of us who assisted in the repeater move had a great time thanks to Bill's, KB4JKQ, hospitality.
    It is my plan to have the club participate in Field Day this Year. Realizing that field day should be fun, lets do what we can to get on the air, and not worry about the points.
    Bob, K5REM, has retired as Secretary, and will be turning all the records over to our new Secretary Ken, W5KEC. Shirley, WB7NWR, has agreed to stay on as Vice President, and Bill, KB4JKQ, has agreed to continue as our Treasurer.
    AS our first order of business, we unanimously agreed to reduce the annual club dues to $10.00 per member, and $15.00 for a husband and wife,effective immediately !
    Future plans include honorary memberships, exams, publicity, and new members.
    Sounds almost too ambitious, but really not much different from what we already do.
Thanks again, and I'll be calling on you to make this an outstanding year as my predecessors have done.
George KB6FO


Please send all your late breaking news to,
   Ken - W5KEC


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