Arlington Amateur Radio Club

Notes for the Program for the Meeting in:

January 2001


Meeting Date: 

January 19, 2001  1930 CST



Emergency Antennas
Soldering PL-259 Connectors
This month we will investigate some of the types of emergency antennas used in VHF / UHF radio communications.  By emergency we mean those antennas that are portable, sometimes stealth, and easy to construct out of materials the average ham operator has easy access to.

We will also learn how to properly prepare and attach PL-259 connectors to coax cable.  Please check the list of suggested supplies below to see what to bring to the meeting if possible.

Any of the more experienced hams who would like to share their experience on these topics please contact Ed McGinley.


Supplies or items to bring with you if possible:

Soldering Gun
Extension cord rated at or above the soldering gun
Coax that you need connectors on or scrap coax to practice on
PL-259 Connectors  (RS 278-205 or 278-188A)
PL-259 to coax reducer/adapters (RS 278-206)
3 small suction cups (available at the dollar store in 5 packs)
10 feet of RG-58 or RG-8
4 feet of solid 14ga or 16ga wire



Other activities this month:

ARRL has designated the first weekend in January as the date for the annual Kid's Day Radio Event.  This is a community service/awareness event to promote interest in the hobby of amateur radio.

The AARC will be setting up at the HighPointe Children's Academy, 711 West Arbrook (cross street: Matlock, MAPSCO 96M), Arlington on Saturday January 6th, 2001 from 1200 to 1800 local time.  Email Mark Pritchard or Ed McGinley for additional information.


For Further Information on the Program:



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