Tape Measure Antenna Project
Parts acquisition check list

W5AW 146.820 ~ BSARC
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This is the list of parts status for what we have, on oder, shipping, etc...
So far the build is on schedule and we expect to meet on Saturday April 15, 2017 at the clubhouse around 1:00 pm - All you need to do is bring your self, and something to eat if you want. I will have cold drinks and everyone's parts that opted to buy-in with their $30 for the build. Those that chose to purchase their own parts - DON'T forget to bring them. There should be more than one soldering iron, and everything we need to complete each member's tape measure antenna.

Any questions, suggestions or concerns should be directed to Matthew [W5KER] - and thanks so much to everyone that expressed interest in the project. We are going to have a great time...

Listed below shows the status of
of the parts acquisition for those
that opted-in for their $30 parts.

              1/2" PVC Pipe 
              1/2" PVC End Caps
              1/2" PVC Cross Tee Fittings
              Hose Clamps
              Tape Measures
              Solid-Core Copper Wire
              [Thomas] PVC Primer and Solvent
              [on order shipped] PL-259 Connector         
              [Lloyd] RG8 Coax

-end of parts acquisition-