My Ham Radio History

My first ticket was received in 1953, I was KN2IHU. I upgraded to General, K2IHU. However, in 1954 I took a job in Venezuela, S.A. and was there for 5 years and was not permitted to operate. When I returned (1959), I moved to North Carolina and received the call W4MFE. After several years living in Charlotte, I upgraded to Advanced and finally to Extra. Although I was not that much of an operator, I did get the WAS in one year (1976), the Bi-Centennial year. Later I became disinterested in the hobby and did not renew my license and it expired in the early eighties.

Recently, I found how much Ham Radio was moving to the Internet. I got excited about the hobby again and quickly got a Tech. license. The FCC gave me credit for the code as I had an old call book (from 1954) showing my KN2IHU call sign. I was issued the call KG4UUN. I decided to get a vanity call and was lucky to get my first choice, W4NCU. I upgraded to General in November, 2002.

I operate the Discovery Place Science Museum ham station as a volunteer once per week. This gives me the opportunity to get on most of the modes and frequencies allowed General Class ops.