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Volume 4                                                Issue 7
July                                                    1999

                          The Prez Sez  
   How many times did we hear that during the 24 hours that Field 
Day' 99 was on the air ?  Zillions, I guess.  We were small in 
numbers but a hale and hearty bunch.  We were not about to be 
deterred by lousy weather, and lousy it was, to put it mildly.  

   Bernhardt Funeral Home was nice enough to pitch one of their 
tents for us as cover from the elements and it worked most of 
the time.  Only once did we cease operation due to the weather, 
and that was only for a brief period of 10 minutes or so.  We 
covered the gear with plastic and waited for the wind to subside.  
When the rain was coming down it didn't bother us so much, except 
the run-off which found its way in the tent and right under our 
feet.  Almost immediately we were slogging around in wet, muddy
conditions.  Here again this was only a minor inconvenience, not 
about to slow us down.
   Our Field Day ' 99 Committee Chairman, Hugh Beam and his wife 
Dot have done a preliminary count of the number of contacts we
had and at present they number in excess of 800.  Of course, they 
will go through the contact sheets in order to weed out the "dupes."  
   This was my first Field Day since the early 1960's and I guess 
I had forgotten how hectic it got at times.  The thing I remember 
most about that venture was the fact I got so wet getting to the 
site.  We were set up in a cow pasture that belonged to a friend
who lived near Roswell, Ga.  The grass in the pasture was about 
knee-high and the dew had fallen before I arrived on the scene.  
I got my pants wet getting to our site and didn't dry out until 
the next day after the sun came out.  Miserable night.  Couldn't 
do much talking for my teeth chattering.
   Back to Field Day ' 99.  Due to the shortage of operators those 
of  us who took turns at the mike had to pull extra duty as you 
would imagine.  Along toward the end yours truly got a little 
"bleary eyed" and "brain dead."  We were not alone though as most 
of the stations we contacted were stricken with this affliction. 
As far as band operations go we never operated any bands except 
40 and 20, and only briefly on 20 meters. After all is said and 
done it was an enjoyable occasion.  I am already looking forward 
to FD/Y2K.  Those of you who did not participate missed out on a 
lot of fun and fellowship.  If you want to know who participated 
come to the club meeting July 5, 1999, 7:00 P. M. in the Gilmer 
County Library conference room.  I will be awarding certificates 
to those who were active participants. Editors Note: For those 
that can't attend the meeting a list of who was there and was 
awarded a certificate will be in the next issue of the Wavelength!
73 Es 88 de K4IVC Jack Bramblett
President, EARS   didididahdidah
                      ARRL Section Manager
   Hello all. The Alford Memorial ARC Hamfest on Nov. 6-7, 1999 
will feature an appearance by the FCC's Riley Hollingsworth, 
K4ZDH, the FCC's top enforcer.  Editors Note: See April issue of 
the Wavelength �FCC Crack Down�.

   Hollingsworth will conduct a forum on Saturday of the Hamfest 
and will be open to questions from the audience. One such question 
may well be "What about K1MAN?" 

   Mark your calendars and don't miss this unique event. Riley 
is a true ham radio celebrity and you don't want to miss him. 
Further details coming in the near future. 
73 Sandy Donahue W4RU
Section Manager, 
GA Section ARRL
                        HAM OF THE MONTH
   Ham of the month is Jack Bramblett K4IVC and EARS president. 
He not only has been an out standing club president but does as 
good or better job at calling our Monday night nets. Now we can 
add his extraordinary job for Field Day to the mix. So if you 
need a job done just give him enough time to change hats! Thanks 
for your service Jack�.
Well Done!

                         THE WAVELENGTH
Executive Editor: 
David A. Barlitt KF4AWU
Hugh Beam, W4HFB
Ellijay Amateur Radio Society, Inc.
Jack Bramblett K4IVC
Reed Krenn WW3A
David A. Barlitt KF4AWU

                          BACKYARD NEWS
   The Georgia QSO Party is a contest being held July 31 and 
August 1. Sponsorship is by the South East Contest Club and the 
Southeastern DX Club. So who is invited? �Everyone!�  All 
amateurs outside the state of Georgia are to work any and all 
Georgia Hams. Amateurs inside the state of Georgia work all 
stations inside of Georgia and all Hams from the previous 
sentence. Some of the operating categories are Single Operator, 
Multioperator,  Multi-Single, Multi-Multi, and Rover (mobile). 
Power categories include QRP (5), Low (6-150), High (150+). 
Operating times for July 31 are 1800 Zulu to 0359 Zulu, Aug. 1 
1400 Zulu to 2359 Zulu. I don't have room to list all the rules 
but sounds like fun. Will your EARS be listening? 
May check-ins total is 20: 
net control for:
05/24/99 � Dot K4PPS 12 check-ins
05/31/99 � Dot K4PPS 8 check-ins
All counts both weekly and end of month totals include the Net 
Control Station! Please note early in month the repeater was  

        This Month's Birthdays/Anniversaries & Ham Fests
This July Birthdays are:
This July Anniversaries  are:                     
7/20/91 � Lee Gassette KF4OLO
If your birthday or anniversary is not on the list,. it is 
because I have no record of it!   

Swap Shop list it here ! 
FS: Alinco DR-130 and/or MFJ 5/8 wave magnetic mount 
2mtr antenna.                           David KF4AWU

HAM Fests:      

July 3+ Rowan ARS, Salisbury, NC
July 10+ Lanierland ARC, Gainesville, GA 770-867-9833 
E-mail: [email protected]
July 17x Cary ARC, Cary, NC
July 23-24+ Milton ARC, Milton, 
850-626-9752 E-mail: [email protected]

                        VE Corner       
   June had four applicants  two of the three applicants passed 
the Codeless techs exam. The forth was from Brasstown, NC tried 
for his 13 words per minute but will have to try again next month.      
   Also note Danny Head W4RDH our chief examiner  also came 
from Murphy, N.C. The VEC session (Ham Tests) are first  
Saturday of each month at 1:00 PM (except December) in the 
conference  room of library. 

Ellijay Amateur Radio Society, Inc.
C/O David Barlitt
50 Jones Road
Ellijay, Georgia
Phone: 706-273-3559
Fax: 706-635-3559
mailto:[email protected]

Ellijay Amateur Radio Society, Inc.
To subscribe or unsubscribe from the EARS list go to:
Submissions [email protected]