May - June 2003 - The West Georgia Amateur Radio Society - P.O. Box 1535 - Carrollton, Ga. 30117 Page 2

West Georgia Area Nets

Emergency Call-out Project by N4FWD

Frequencies in Megahertz
Time in local reference, not UTC

  • Carroll County VHF Nets - on 146.640 (-600KHz) with 131.8 tone on Mondays at 8pm (20:00 hours)
  • Paulding County VHF Nets - on 146.895 (-600KHz) with a 77 tone on every Tuesday (except the 4th Tuesday) at 8pm (20:00 hours) Also, check 224.700.
  • Douglas County VHF Nets - on 145.110 (-600KHz) with 88.5 tone on Fridays at 8pm (20:00 hours)
  • Georgia Single Side Band HF Net - on 3.975 LSB daily at 7:30pm (19:30 hours)
  • CW Net - On 3.702 daily at 9pm (21:00 hours)

  • After the severe weather in the beginning of May 2003, I talked with N4UQB about creating an Emergency Call-Out Project. The idea was further helped along by the remote communications requirements at the AHA Bike Ride in June of 2003. The project will be an on-going project over the remainder of 2003.

    Folks usually start by building various antenna projects and gathering other related items. An antenna is of little use if you cannot get it up high enough in the air. So I am kicking off this project by considering how to support the antenna(s).

    As I was looking at the back issues of the QST Magazine, I noticed the antenna article in the May issue of QST called, "The Black Widow - A portable 15 Meter Beam" by Allen Baker, KG4JJH.

    While the antenna construction was mildly interesting, the item which really grabbed my attention was the method by which he supported the antenna. So, I did some shoppng at the local DIY store.


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