The International Phonetic Alphabet

or Learning the Amateur Radio A,B,C's

<<  A  as in ALPHA >>                                << N  as in NOVEMBER  >>
<<  B  as in BRAVO >>                                << O  as in OSCAR  >>
<<  C  as in CHARLIE >>                                << P  as in PAPA  >>
<<  D  as in DELTA >>                                << Q  as in QUEBEC  >>
<<  E  as in ECHO >>                                << R  as in ROMEO  >>
<<  F  as in FOXTROT >>                                << S  as in SIERRA  >>
<<  G  as in GOLF >>                                << T  as in TANGO  >>
<<  H  as in HOTEL >>                                << U  as in UNIFORM  >>
<<  I  as in INDIA >>                                << V  as in VICTOR  >>
<<  J  as in JULIET >>                                << W  as in WHISKEY  >>
<<  K  as in KILO >>                                << X  as in XRAY  >>
<<  L  as in LIMA >>                                << Y  as in YANKEE  >>
<<  M  as in MIKE >>                                << Z  as in ZULU  >>

    To properly use the above alphabet, you call out each assigned word to each letter which you are trying to spell out. Example: EASY - could sound like SLEAZY or CD'S in bad operating conditions (like during a storm). To say EASY to the listening Amateur Radio Operators, I would say "ECHO ALPHA SIERRA YANKEE" and the others would understand that I said "EASY".

    Another example of the use of this alphabet has to do with Amateur Radio Operators identifing themselves during radio nets or when first contacting each other. A friend has the callsign of KG4QZV. When he first identified himself, I thought that his callsign was KB4QZZ. He then identified using the above alphabet as KILO GOLF 4 QUEBEC ZULU VICTOR. Thus I properly learned his identifing callsign.

    Alternate words which you may hear are ZED instead of ZULU, FOX instead of FOXTROT, MARY instead of MIKE, and NANCY instead of NOVEMBER. However, the above alphabet is the established International standard.

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