QSO with HFPack members on April 14th, 2001

This weekend i was determined to talk to some HFPackers so I set up my 33 foot mast and attached a 40 meter dipole to it.

At 16:32Z  I tuned to 21.437 and I heard Budd W3FF talking to KJ6AP (not sure about the call. please correct me) KJ6AP was S-Ø to S-1.

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W3FF Budd
If you wonder How He got this way - Click on the photo to find out

Budd was booming in at S-9 untill he turned his antenna  North East then he dropped to S-5.

W3VET at the feedpoint.
Walking stick with Radio Shack antenna attached in the background.

At 17:Ø9Z, Budd signed off and moved to 181.157.
During his Signing off I could barely hear a station calling HFPack. It was Mohan! calling "CQ HFPack this is VE7FM, Portable mobile on Highway 19, Vancouver Island"

Click on the photo's below to visit his site.
VE7FM - Mohan

Mohan and I chatted untill he had to pull over because of traffic.

SGC-2020 Portapack
J-45 Key

Then I Switched Frequency to 18.157 and made my first HFPack contact at 17:55 with - - - - - MOHAN!

Again VE7FM came thundering through with his S-Ø Signal at 5 watts. Very Cool!

I also had a QSO with W3FF again.

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The Truck makes a great support for the famous W3FF Dipole
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(Continued) That afternoon at 21:1Ø, on 18.157,  I had a contact with W4KVS Kim, in Columbia, South Carolina. He was running 1ØØ watts into an attic dipole. I told him about our group and invited him to join.
Apache Junction, Arizona. My QTH this weekend
Then at ØØ:17, April 15 in england but still the middle of the 14th here, I tuned to 21.437 and heard a station calling in CW

_._.    _ _._       ....   .._.   ._ _.   ._    _._.   _._
_..  .     ..._   .   _ _...   .._.   _ _

.......CQ HFPACK DE  VE7FM .....

I returned his call but he didn't hear me.

The stuff that dreams are made of.

Then at ØØ:25 I heard HFPacker John K7RO, on his 40 meter dipole and Yaesu FT-817 at 5 watts. We talked for awhile and he switched on his 50 watt amp and His signal went from S-Ø to S-5

Nice Fence. I could hear a station from the south on Monday afternoon talking to Budd with this setup using an outbacker antenna vise gripped to the pole.
No tuner and Good SWR but no one heard me at 4 watts.

73 W3FF de W3VET AR

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