WARC August 2001 Newsletter


Our Next Meeting:  Friday  August 10, 2001   8 PM
At  Wantagh Public Library

Yes the Wantagh Library WILL again be available for this Friday’s meeting. Roof repairs were again delayed until September. There will be no guest speaker but I am trying to get a good video or presentation arranged for Friday's meeting.

The summer has been quiet and most are engaged in summer non-ham and family activities.  Next month brings the LIMARC Hamfest on Sunday September 9th and I would like to get a WARC Table or tables setup to advertise our club, recruit for possible code / theory classes or sell.  This could be a good discussion topic for the meeting.

The work on a possible code / theory class has been slow.  I called the Wantagh Library about securing the room for eight consecutive saturday mornings during the September through November time frame but the room has been booked for all but three Saturday's.  I'm going to look into one of the other local libraries.  If arrangements can be made, we can advertise in the September NLI Newsletter and LIMARC Hamfest.  More to come, as they say.

Webmaster Frank Porcaro N2RSO is still working on our website and is still seeking member input on club history.  He has also added some links for ham software and more links to local clubs.  Our web address www.qsl.net/w2va

Treasurer Herman informed me that Field Day expenditures this year were approximately $250. This is a reasonable amount for our club's main activity unless we factor in our yearly expenditure of $320 for insurance.  If insurance is only required for FD, then its a fairly expensive proposition.  One possibility may be a lower cost policy which covers FD weekend only.  We will be checking on this before planning next year's FD and other club activities.


Vic Panzica President K2IY
Vin Vignati Vice President KD2EP
Herman Milatz Treasurer W2TLC
Bill Kelly Secretary N2RRX
Arnold Tarallo Board Member W2OEJ

Meeting was opened at 8:10 PM by Vic K2IY.

June 2001 Minutes were accepted as read by the secretary.

Treasurer's Report:  There is currently $1037 in the treasury.
No Field Day expenses have been paid yet.

-Ben Podgor is moving to Georgia and he has some code records and
 frequency measurement equipment available for free.

-Field Day was a successful event. We had two stations running on HF for
 most of the 24 hour operating time.  Frank N2RSO and Dan KB2HTB built
 masts which were donated to the club. We did not erect all the masts,
 the triband beam and 2 mtr beam due to time constraints. However we
 still made over 600 contacts and 2654 pts.  One lesson learned was the need
 for a band captain to coordinate both HF setups. We also did well with
700 bonus pts  including Jack KI2M setting up an ATV camera on site.

-Shelters and canopies for future field days was discussed. The canopy sold
by Costco is high quality but weighs 180 pounds and may not be suitable for
portable use. Jack KI2M suggested www.creativecanopies.com for ideas.

-Frank Porcaro N2RSO is continuing work on the club web page
WWW.QSL.net/W2VA  It now includes Field Day photos and several new links.
Frank also suggests viewing and signing the web site guest book.

The Wantagh Chamber of Commerce Wantagh Fair Chairman sent an inquiry
to the club to see if we wanted to buy a booth. Since it was only a week away (July 21)
no plans had been made.

Vic K2IY proposed code and/or theory classes for this fall as a possible club project.
Art N2NB previously taught a code class in 1998 and agreed to do it again. He proposed
8 consecutive saturday morning classes.  The club also planned
a code class in 1999 but it was cancelled because only 2 students registered.
Vic will check on availability of Wantagh Library or some other location for the classes.
The NLI Web Page, Hudson Newsletter, LIMARC Hamfest and "word of mouth"
are best methods for recruiting students.

The LIMARC Hamfest is Sunday September 9. A club table or tables at the site may be
worthwhile for recruiting members, recruiting code and theory class students or selling.

The Sable Island DXpedition by Art N2NB is on hold due to organizing and funding.
Art is still planning another operation from Montserrat early next year.

Business Meeting adjourned 8:50 PM. Followed by coffee and doughnuts.

Vic Panzica K2IY