Possibly one of the oldest, if not THE oldest, amateur radio club on Long Island!


. The origins of the Wantagh Amateur Radio Club, unfortunately, are a bit vague. It seems that recording the Club's history was not a priority back in the “good old days.”  When the current club constitution was being rewritten a few years ago, we did find out that the club was first affiliated with the ARRL in 1953.  There are “recollections” that there was a Wantagh radio club or association during the 1940's, but it was inactive during World War II per government regulations.  In the early 1970’s, and possibly the late 1960’s, the club meetings were held in the Chase Manhattan Bank on Merrick Road. 

  One of our members, Ralph WP4KO, recalls when he was a youngster going with his dad to visit the old Field Day site which was near the check-point entrance of the present day Wantagh Park. He referred to it as a hot, muggy, swampy, bug-infested marshland. “It must have been in the early 50’s as we moved to Wantagh when I was age four in ’48.  I recall clearly that there was a large olive drab tent with a sign outside that featured the Civil Defense logo!”  He noted that the club constitution from 1953 stated that club members had to belong to the local Civil Defense organization.  “I can't recall any detail of the rigs or antennas, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Pete's (W2SUM) ‘state-of-the-art’ Heathkits were there then!”


Our thanks were conveyed to Ralph, WP4KO, (SK), for his recollections.

  If you have any historical data concerning the club, please pass it on to us by sending the details by Email to [email protected]

Don't forget to include your name & callsign!