Barton Hall.

The club station, W2CXM, is located in the North Tower of Barton Hall. All licensed club members may use the equipment in the station, 24 hours a day. The station is active on 80-10 meters, SSB and CW, and on 2 meters/70 cm, all modes. Occasionally, the station is also active in contests or Field Day. Currently, the club is in the process of assembling both a satellite station and an ATV repeater.

The Operating Position

TH6 Triband Yagi at 100'.

Current station equipment on HF includes a Kenwood TS-440S, Collins 30S-1 Amplifier, a Butternut HF6V vertical for 80 and 40 meters, and a TH6 yagi at 100' for 10-20 meters.

VHF station equipment includes a Kenwood TS-790 UHF/VHF all-mode transceiver and several 2 meter and 440 MHz directional antennas.

The club also operates a 2 meter/220 MHz packet node.

2 Meter Antennas.

Every station has one: The W2CXM junk pile.

Check out the logs from some of the W2CXM's most recent contest entries below:

Please submit new logs to [email protected]

KB2LXS and KG2LH repairing the HF vertical during a Fall 1997 repair session. Ithaca winters tend to be rather harsh on antennas!

Also, check out the W2CXM Repeater