February 3, 1999 Meeting Minutes


Michael Collins, KF6EXF
Tom Schwabel, N2WLG
Steve Holland, N1RAO
Brad Ackerman, N1MNB
Cyrus Yunker, KB2URA
Doc Kinne, N2IKR
John Hill, KB2MTI
Katie Whitman, KB1CIU
David Bell, KC2DCF
Art Bell, KC2DCD
Yumeng Bell, KC2EAM

We will be switching to annual budgeting. Under this new system, we will request funds only once a year, instead of every semester. This will help us cut down on all that time spent on figuring out the budget during the beginning of every semester. This will also change how we request our telephone money - Cyrus and Mike have it under control.

This semester, we will possibly be requesting funds for the following:

We now have a satellite antenna mast thanks to Cyrus who managed to get his hands on a pole vaulting pole.

Doc informs us that our station is now Mars capable (ask him if you want to know more - I missed the details).

We have to figure out the deal with Barton roof access - apparently we only have access to one tower. Mike will be speaking to people to try to straighten this out.


  1. We decided against holding the ham fest this year.
  2. Station Upgrades
  3. Contests & station clean-up - floor waxed
    - ARRL International DX Contest, CW: Feb 20-21
  4. 440 Bulletin Nets - (like the ones run by TCARC?)
  5. Sometime down the line - ATV handheld
  6. Recruitment
  7. TCARC technician class licensing course: Feb 13th and 20th, 9-5, 230 Rockefeller
  8. TCARC VE test session: Feb 22, 7 PM, 230 Rockefeller

Membership Promotion:


  1. N2I QSLs still need to be made. Need pictures of scouts.

Next Meeting: February 17, 1999, 6:30 PM

Here's to a successful semester!

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