November 18, 1998 Meeting Minutes

Minutes, 11/18/98. Started 18:45L (after working BQ9P on 20M SSB)

Cyrus Yunker, KB2URA
Mike Thompson
Tom Schwabel, N2WLG
Brad Ackerman, N1MNB
John Hill, KB2MTI
Doc Kinne, N2IKR/NNN0BFA-T
Mike Hammer, KC2EAL

Dr. Volts: Total cost to the club was ~ $150. We had about 40 attendees.
Satellite Station: Big news! John brought a supply of 50 ohm hardline and some connectors. Cyrus managed to find an old fiberglass pole. We still need a rotor. Doc noted article in latest QST on making an azimuth-elevation rotor. Cyrus and Tom both have access to materials and tools for any parts we may need.
ARRL Sweepstakes: Signup sheet passed around for the ARRL Phone Sweepstakes. We will try to operate the full 24 hours -- probably 6 hours of off-time from 0300-0900L. Our goal is 900 QSOs. Setup/orientation at 1530L on Saturday. Maybe we will have a mini station cleanup?

CW portion went well. 259 QSOs in 73 sections => 37814 points

VE Testing: TCARC VE test coming up on Monday November 23 at 1900L, Rockefeller 230.

  1. Brad will be looking into destroying the old refrigerator.
  2. N2I QSLs still need to be made. Need pictures of scouts.
  3. Where is Mike?
  4. 220 stuff back at station along with some new books.
  5. Cyrus finally erased the board.
  6. CQ World-wide DX Contest (CW) on Thanksgiving weekend.


  1. ARRL Sweepstakes, Phone -- November 21-22
  2. ARRL 10 Meter Contest -- December 12-13

Next Meeting: December 2, 1998, 6:30 PM.

Adjourned 19:22L.

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