April 8, 1998 Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 1841L in the CARC Shack, 401 Barton Hall.

Tom Schwabel, N2WLG *
Steve Holland, N1RAO *
Brad Ackerman, N1MNB (taking minutes)*
Cyrus Yunker, KB2URA *
Charlie Corbe, KB2LXS ?
Mike Collins, KF6EXF *
Madan Kunnavakkam, KB2CTI ?
Katie Whitman, KB1CIU ?
John Hill, KB2MTI
Renny Shen (Cornell Cycling Club)

Cycling Club Race: Sunday, April 12, 9 AM - 2 PM. Meet at Barton at 7:45 AM. Brad and Cyrus will be driving. Between 5 and 8 members stated they might be available to participate (see attendee list). Mike agreed to post directions on how to get to the race site on the list. TCARC has a portable 10 w repeater which might be available for the event, assuming it works and we can find an antenna. Possible repeaters to use in Cortland are 147.18(+),147.225(+), 145.49(-) (PL), 147.03(+).
Insurance: The club equipment insurance is in the process of being updated. The Collins linear should be added to coverage.
Station Lock: Thanks to John, the combination lock to the station appears to have been repaired. The combination will likely be distributed at the next meeting!
Interference Problem: No interference problem noted during CQ WPX contest, although the amplifier was barely used for the contest. John noted that the communications officer was a ham, but retired last year. The frequencies being used by public safety are: (F1) 155.52, (F2) 156.21, (F3) 155.1, (IA) 155.37, and (TCS) 155.19. Recommended that a low-pass filter be installed on the HF station.
Old Business/Misc.:

  1. Charlie has been reimbursed for the Alinco repairs.
  2. FCC 610B sent in. If you use the club station, use your own call until the FCC updates their records!

Activities: Some interest in a club effort for Field Day (4th weekend of June). Contest schedule and other relevant event schedules can be found on the CARC web page.
Next Meeting: April 22, 1998. Election of 1998-1999 CARC officers will take place at this meeting!

Meeting adjourned at 1929L.

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