March 25, 1998 Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 1840L in the CARC Shack, 401 Barton Hall.

Tom Schwabel, N2WLG
Steve Holland, N1RAO
Brad Ackerman, N1MNB (taking minutes)
Cyrus Yunker, KB2URA
Charlie Corbe, KB2LXS

Alinco DR1200: The DR1200 is repaired and has been put back into service. Cyrus will submit the documentation to SAFC for reimbursement.
Club License: FCC 610B received and must be filled out and sent in. Tom is now the station trustee until a permanent trustee can be found. The repeater (146.61-) is operating under Charlie's call (KB2LXS) until the club license is renewed. If you use the club station, use your own call until the paperwork has been filed!
Budget: Need to work on getting lock fixed and insurance submitted. The club account currently has $383.82 in savings, $45.83 in checking, and made $1.03 in interest in past month. Doug will need to set up an appointment to have CFCU account names changed before the end of this semester.
R-390: The R-390 has been sold to a man in NJ and should have been shipped by now. Doug has the check for approx. $383. (still need to pay E-bay)
CW WPX SSB Contest: CQ WPX DX Contest (Phone) is this weekend. It will be starting Friday at 1900L. We will be operating as N2WLG. Tom will probably be up here 9AM-12PM and 5-10PM. Excellent conditions on many bands lately with strong openings into Central and Southeast Asia on 15 m. (*MUCH* better openings than past contests!) We will also be doing our station cleanup. The club may also spring for pizza.
Interference Problem: Possible interference problem noted with police radios when running the HF amplifier during ARRL DX Contest. We will look into fixing this problem.

  1. Still need to fix lock -- will look into getting Cornell locksmith to repair it.

Activities: Contest schedule and other relevant event schedules can be found on the CARC web page.
Next Meeting: April 8, 1998.

Meeting adjourned at 1906L.

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