March 4, 1998 Meeting Minutes


Meeting was held at 1830L in the CARC Shack, 401 Barton Hall.

Tom Schwabel, N2WLG
Steve Holland, N1RAO
Matthew Kleinmann, KG2LH
Ruth Lance
Brad Ackerman, N1MNB
Michael Collins, KF6EXF
Cyrus Yunker, KB2URA
Charlie Corbe, KB2LXS
Jim "Dr. Volts" Hardesty, N2DRT

Top News:
Contest: The ARRL DX Contest (Phone) is this weekend. It will be starting Friday at 1900L. We will be operating as N2WLG (see below "Club License"). We will also be doing our station cleanup. This is the biggest contest of the year, so come out.
Other Business:
Bike Race: We have agreed to assist the Bike Race. We will supply a minimum of 4 operators, with hopefully as many as 7 or 8. I will try to check in on the TCARC net Sunday and see if they are interested in helping too. We would nominally like one operator with each race group (3), one at the starting line/command area, and one with the EMS team. Additional operators for the race marshals would also be good.
Budget: The news is good. We were approved for all of our items, including the phone and a new cypher-lock. Total allocation was $1185.
R-390: The R-390 has been sold. We will make approximately $330 from the sale. It is now gone, getting ready to be shipped.
Club License: It expired. If you use the club station, use your own call. W2CXM should not be used until new paperwork for the club license is filed. Tom agreed to be license trustee until a permanent trustee can be found. Charlie agreed to operate the repeater (146.61-) under his call (KB2LXS) until the club license is renewed. We are still looking for a permanent trustee/advisor. Matthew is currently the leading candidate.
Ethernet: Not happening anytime soon, at least through the AF. Any ideas about reasonable solutions to this problem are welcomed.
Dues: We decided that levying dues for all members would be unwise. If dues are to be levied at all, they will most likely be a "station use" fee associated with a per semester or per year fee for having a key and the combination to the station. Regardless, we decided not to do this immediately, and opted instead for hosting a hamfest/computer show on campus as a fund-raiser/club promotion. The tentative date is 5 September 98 with a tentative location of A-Lot on north campus. Many details are undecided yet (fee structure, whether to provide tables, etc).
Dr. Volts: We have tentatively set a date of 28 October for the seminar. The topics are yet undecided, as is the venue, but Matthew is working on seeing if we can get a room in Snee Hall. We will try to publicise through Student IEEE, CEPS, flyers. Entry fee is yet undecided.

  1. The Alinco packet radio is still being fixed.

Activities: Contest schedule and other relevant event schedules can be found on the CARC web page.
Next Meeting: March 25, 1998.

Respectfully submitted,
Michael C. Collins, KF6EXF

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