February 18, 1998 Meeting Minutes

Brad Ackerman, N1MNB
Jonah Probell, N1QLO
Madan Kunnavakkam, KC2CTI
Charlie Corbe, KB2LXS
Matthew Kleinmann, KG2LH
Ruth Lance
Cyrus Yunker, KB2URA
Tom Schwabel, N2WLG

New Advisor Needed: The club is still seriously looking for a new faculty advisor and and trustee. Then need not be the same person, but it is important that a trustee is found soon since the club license expires shortly.Since the club license will expire in March, we MUST at least decide on a trustee at the next meeting.
Keys/Dues: Discussion continued about whether the club should start charging dues to offset decreasing funding. Dues could be charged on a yearly or semesterly basis to all those with keys to the station. It was agreed that the lock should be fixed before any any dues policy went into effect.
R-390 Sale: Matt volunteered to post the R-390A to e-bay for $300 to $325. He will also contact our perspective buyer. This should ensure that the club gets a fair price for the R-390A.
VE Testing: Next session is March 23, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. in 230 Rockefeller.
Contests: Several club members would like to participate in contests this semester. Upcoming contests include:


  1. The Alinco packet radio is being fixed. Cyrus will submit the faxed bill to the SAFC.
  2. Now that the leaks have been fixed, we need to clean up the station and get the custodians to clean the floor.
  3. We should be ready to install ethernet. We need to get in touch with Mike KF6EXF and get things into motion.
  4. The combination lock may need to be fixed by a Cornell locksmith.

Last Minute Stuff: The following items of business came up just after the meeting:

Activities: Contest schedule and other relevant event schedules can be found on the CARC web page.
Next Meeting: March 4, 1998.

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