December 3, 1997 Meeting Minutes

CARC 12-3-1997
Meeting Minutes

Doug Regulinski, N2QAN, VP
Cyrus Yunker, KB2URA, Treasurer
Charlie Corbe, KB2LXS
Steve Holland, N1RAO
Madan Kunnavakkam
Matthew Kleinmann, KG2LH
Brad Ackerman, N1NMB
Jonah Probell, N1QLO, Secretary
Tom Schwabel, N2WLG, President

Budget: Charlie, KB2LXS, sent in the Alinco packet radio for repair. Cyrus will be submitting paperwork to ensure that the SAFC funding is still available when the radio comes back from Alinco. Charlie also purchased the battery charger for the repeater and the crystals to put an additional 2 meter radio on packet. The reimbursement requests for both of these have been submitted.
VE Test Session Aftermath: Congratulations to Madan for getting his Technician Plus and to Katie for passing the 5 WPM code test. With winter break coming up, there will be plenty of time to study for January's test session if you want to upgrade or get a new license...
Contests: No more club entries planned for this semester.
Ethernet: Nothing new to report here.

  1. We need to look into getting the leaky pipe in the club station ceiling fixed.
  2. A station cleanup effort should be organized next semester.
  3. We still need to get our equipment insurance in. We still have not done that this year. (We need someone who knows how and where to put in for insurance...)
  4. Jonah, N1QLO, was reimbursed for pizza.

Activities: Contest schedule and other relevant event schedules can be found on the CARC web page.
Next Meeting: TBA, January 1998.

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