March 5, 1997 Meeting Minutes

Brief minutes of the 5 Mar 97 meeting:

Kyle MacLea, N2XND, Secretary
Tom Schwabel, N2WLG, President
Doug Regulinski, N2QAN, VP
Jonah Probell, N1QLO
Steve Holland, N1RAO
Charlie Corbe, KB2LXS
Cyrus Yunker, KB2URA

SAFC Budget: We decided on what we are going to purchase. 2 Cushcraft gas tube lightning arrestors ($45 each), RF Concepts 30 watt 2m amplifier ($110). We will try to get the order into the SAFC soon. I will investigate our options for repairing the combo lock to the station.
Kantronics TNC: Kantronics TNC arrived last week. Charlie said that he would try to fix the club's broken HT so that we have a radio to put it on the air with.
Contests: An entry is being planned for the CQ WPX phone contest at the end of the month (March 29-30). We would like to get as many people involved as possible. It was decided that food would be served at the club station during the contest for all those who participate.
VE Testing: Next VE session is slated for the last monday in March, in Rockefeller Hall room 230 at 7:00 PM.
The Net:Kyle has been reporting dwindling numbers of check-ins to the net. Please try to remember to check in sometime!
Chalk -- we still need it!

Tom, N2WLG

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