February 5, 1997 Meeting Minutes

Brief minutes of the 5 Feb 97 meeting:

Kyle MacLea, N2XND, Secretary
Tom Schwabel, N2WLG, President
Jonah Probell, N1QLO
Steve Holland, N1RAO
Charlie Corbe, KB2LXS
Brad Ackerman, N1MNB
Kerman Glaser, N2HUO

SAFC Budget: 2 lightning arrestors, 2m amplifier, looked like it was approved fully but we will hear next week.
Kantronics TNC: Tom estimated 2-4 weeks until we get the Kantronics KPC-9612+, since the 9612 we ordered was out of stock and we needed to order the + instead.
VE Testing: VE session happened on 27 Jan, but we are not sure how it went. Did anyone attend? Next VE session is slated for the last monday in March, in Rockefeller Hall room 230 at 7:00 PM.
Club Ethernet: We would like to talk with the ROTC folks about getting a link through them. If not, we will look into the wireless route.
Postering/Recruiting: Brad N1MNB was going to try to come up with a good design for recruiting.
The Net is BACK! On the Club Repeater, we will be having a Net each Monday night at 10:00 PM! Be there -- check in -- get some use out of our expensive repeater!! I (N2XND) will be Net Control.
Open Houses with featured topics were explored in the offset weeks from our meetings. This was tabled pending further discussion. :)
Chalk -- we need it!
Contests: Interest was expressed in doing one or more phone contests during the semester.

Everyone come up with ideas on stuff we should buy!

Meeting adjourned 7:50 PM.

Kyle N2XND

(Ed Note: I would like to do something more with our home page in the coming weeks. Any ideas or suggetions would be GREATLY appreciated. -- Tom N2WLG)

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