Online Recordings

I have some classical piano recordings available at the Piano Society. Look me up under "Pianists". Not ham stuff, but you can download these and listen to them if you want. I'm not entirely proud of these performances, or of the audio engineering behind them; they prove that you can make OK recordings with excellent equipment. Some of the earlier ones (and I'm not going to tell you which were made earlier and which were made later) embody some really classic mistakes. And all of them are subject to the limitations of recording in a living room without particularly good acoustics (and way too small for recording a piano). But they're what I have.

At present, only a few recordings are available, though I will be adding more: both older recordings that were formerly available through O'Reilly and new recordings, as I make them. Assuming that I have the patience. Being the artist, engineer, and producer all at once is very stressful.