W1FJE HOME PAGE http://www.qsl.net/w1fje/index.html

Personal Information

Name: Thomas W. Laffin
Address: PO Box 204, Francestown NH 03043

Telephone: This IS the future, email to: [email protected] emails DELIVER, even into a travelling vehicle, and are promply replied. FCC Amateur License Class: G
FCC Commercial License: P1, FAA Certified Class I,II,III Air & Ground NABR Certified, APCO Certified, NHACOP Member PC: 8080ML Basic, ibmDOS, MS, linux. J-Network Operating Systems; E-LAN. ISP Installations, maintenance, and servicing. Emergency service ANYwhere.

AMATEUR RADIO STRUCTURE; W1FJE remotes a tcp/ip gateway station on Crotched Mountain in Greenfield NH, which is in the center of the six New England states; the radio side covers into each. This station is gw.ka1iyr.ampr.org []; KA1IYR is owned by licensed to the Crotched Mountain Amateur Radio Club, Greenfield, NH. There are several axip links. The webcircle includes NH,MA,CT,PA,AL,WA, New Brunswick, Canada, and, England (2). The netrom node is GWIYR:KA1IYR-5.

In a world-first, the gateway station at Crotched Mountain now provides tunnel links for the APRS-NOS mode (Automatic Position Reporting System, Network Operating System). Much like LoJack (r), this is a worldwide mapping system, that displays precise location (and movement if user is mobile-in-motion), that can be seen from "satellite distance"...and zoomed down to a few FEET on the PC screen. The first aprs tunnel was established between w1fje in New Hampshire, and, wa4wbi in Mobile, Alabama. This is a new net, not linked to the aprs rf network on 144.390 & 10.151 mHz, and, internet winsigs.

Connections are by two nodes, CMARC, and, IPNH. The CMARC node provides a local terminal for the use of the Crotched Mountain Amateur Radio Club. The facility is part of the Crotched Mountain Foundation, which is a not-for- profit organization providing care for the developmentally disabled, a learning center. Additional nodes (PC's) attached to the site are BBSNH CENTNE and IPFJE.

IPNH:W1FJE provides the 2meter *RADIO* tcpip 1200b userport on 145.630. IPNH also has a radio range (200+ miles reaching up to 9 states)! IPNH is the bridge node to the local New England network nodes and its RF backbone. AX25, netrom, and tcpip is supported. IPNH is rf-only --these are intentional firewalls to respect the integrity of radio-only pathways of the nh NEDA nodes and stations).

The W1FJE home station is remote control of IPNH, CMARC, GWIYR and the three additional nodes, BBSNH, CENTNE, and, IPFJE. The latter two are subnet masked routers. The W1FJE station is in Francestown, which is about 10 miles from the IPNH, CMARC, and GWIYR node stack, and, access with the ISP. There are no phone lines at the W1FJE home station. All data and voice is via RF.

For specific information, email to: [email protected] for access privs.

GWIYR also supports dynamic gateways, that is, if you have a dialup PPP with your ISP, you can link into the gw.ka1iyr.ampr.org amprnet gateway AS A dynamic GATEWAY. Software and password is needed, and available.

The operating system includes JNOS, under MSDOS and linux. Compiled versions especially designed for this system are also available.

AmprNet Gateway: You MUST be a licensed amateur, and log on with your callsign (and a password), and, you MUST register. Follow the logon instructions. Certain connect paths to certain nodes which restrict all access via internet/amprnet are closed to wires, and must be respected.

You can send a message to me from eithor GWIYR or IPNH. sp w1fje is all you need to type. Other addessings are shown below, which are trapdoors from this webpage to email, ftp, or telnet directly in. At the "logon:" prompt, enter your amateur radio callsign. FCC licensed callsigns only. You MUST have an FCC Amateur Radio Service valid license *first*. Get "access denied!" Type S SYSOP and request access upgrade. Include your email addr in that msg.

How to connect to the Gateway. Did you know, hiding inside of browsers are two things that were around a LONG time before http://? telnet:// is used just like a text telephone to call up another computer, like meeting in a chat room...only doesn't need a remote server to meet up on! Its direct. The other stunt is ftp:// which is used to transfer files between two computers. To use telnet, you can erase the http line on your browser with the backspace key, and type in the telnet hostname, press ENTER and presto, up comes a telnet screen! To make it easier another time, just create a shortcut, make an icon of the telnet mode! To make it even easier, we will open up your telnet mode from here. Just click on the telnet line below. After you have opened that screen on your computer, select preferences, and turn the ECHO ON. Otherwise you won't see what YOU type, when you are telnet connected to the site.

Telnet KA1IYR



[email protected]

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