Since 1986
Glen Gagnon
33183 NW Highway 31
Williamsburg, Kansas 66095
Latitude = 38.3781431 N Longitude = -95.4530301 W
DMS Lat 38° 22' 41.31" N Lon -95° 27' 10.90" W
County: Anderson County
Grid: EM28gj

I am a general class amateur radio operator now living in rural Anderson County, Kansas. Thanks to K7CW, who I am proud to call my 'Elmer', I received my novice license in 1986 while living in Midland, Texas. My first call sign was KB5AHT. I upgraded to a technician license the following year and later changed my call sign to N5LAI upon earning my general class ticket. In 1989 I moved to Portland, Texas where I operated mostly on 20 meters. After moving to Kansas, I was fortunate to receive my fathers old call sign via the vanity call sign program. Look for me on 20 and 40 meters.
Photo taken in Midland, Texas.

Over the years I have served as a counselor for the Boy Scout Radio Merit Badge and have participated in several ARRL Scouting Jamboree on the Air events. JOTA is a great way to introduce future generations to ham radio.

Check out JOTA 2000  photos!

Last Updated December 18, 2008
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