Welcome to the Colorado ARES District 10 resource site. This site is intended to provide resources for ARES D-10 members to  purchase, build or otherwise acquire items which might aid them in providing better quality communications.

We are attempting to gather additional information and make more deals for discounts and commercial accounts as those opportunities afford themselves. If you know of a source where we can get a better deal or a resource for information on items which could be of interest to others looking at this site, send me email at [email protected] .  Likewise if one of our contacts proves to be less than what we have negotiated, let us know. Make sure you have adhered to the conditions we spell out for you. By following the policies negotiated we generally will have no problems.

We have negotiated discounts with a couple of local suppliers and recommend products manufactured by others. Currently we have a limited number of pointers to pages which have information on how to build items essential to emergency communications.  As time goes on we will increase both.

For other items which you may well find helpful to have in your "go bags", check out the D-10 web site.  http://www.info2000.net/~lra/d10ares.htm .  Stay tuned and check often for new information.

This page is currently under construction.