Digipan 2.0
by Ernie Mills, WM2U.
Please print this article and use it as a hand out at Club talks and lectures

<TX> Places DigiPan in Transmit mode
<RX> Places DigiPan in Receive mode
<CALL> The remote station's call
<MYCALL> The Call entered in DigiPan's Personal Data dialog
<MYNAME> The Name entered in DigiPan's Personal Data dialog
<NAME> The Name of the remote station
<MYQTH> The QTH entered in DigiPan's Personal Data dialog
<QTH> The QTH of the other station
<RXANDCLEAR> Places DigiPan in Receive mode and clears the TX window
<CLEARWINDOW> Clears the contents of the window with the blinking cursor
<FILE> Opens a dialog to send a text file
<TIME> Enters the time of day
<DATE> Enters the current date
<AFC> Toggles the AFC function
<SQUELCH> Toggles the Squelch function
<SNAP> Toggles the Snap function
<AFCON> Switch AFC on
<AFCOFF> Switch AFC off
<CWID> Sends the Call entered in Personal Data in morse code
<RST> RST for other station
<CR> Send Carriage Return symbol
<LF> Send Line Feed symbol
<CRLF> Send both CR and LF
<VER> Insert DigiPan version number
<SNAPON> Switch SNAP on
<SNAPOFF> Switch SNAP off
<VOLUME> Set soundcard volume
<TUNE> Provides a full-power carrier for tuning a transmitter
<IMD> Reports the last saved received IMD reading
<SEEKLEFT> Searches for next station to the left
<SEEKRIGHT> Searches for next station to the right
<SQUELCHON> Set squelch on
<SQUELCHOFF> Set squelch off
<BOOKMARK> Places or removes a bookmark at the spectrum cursor
<TXTOGGLE> Toggles between TX and RX
<STARTSCAN> Starts frequency scanning
<STOPSCAN> Halts frequency scanning
<CLEARA> Clears the contents of the top RX screen
<CLEARB> Clears the contents of the bottom RX screen
<CLEARTX> Clears the contents of the TX screen
<LOGBAR> Displays or hides the Log Bar
<PHASE> Displays or hides the Phase Scope
<STARTSCAN> Starts the scan mode
<STOPSCAN> Stops the scan mode
<SAVEQSO> Save the QSO data to the log
<LOCKTX> Lock the TX frequency at the cursor
<UNLOCKTX> Unlock the TX frequency
<LOCKTXTOGGLE> Lock/unlock the TX frequency
<SWAP> Swap the active TX channel between Channel A and Channel B
<Dual> Toggles Single/Dual channels