ZY0SP St. Peter & St. Paul's Rocks

This island to the east of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean is property of Brazil. It is difficult to get there and to operate from there, yet several operations have taken place from the Rocks in the last few years.

This operation took place at the same time as the 3Y0PI DXpedition. In between pileups on 3Y0PI I had been listening for them but had not heard them. One night I was in the pileup on 40 CW for 3Y0PI and heard the operator say he needed to fill the generator and would be back shortly. I listened and listened and never heard 3Y0PI return to the air. So I tuned around and heard ZY0SP calling CQ at 3:30 A.M. local time. I managed to work them.

A couple days later they lost their generator and had to operate from batteries with reduced power. I never heard their signal here again.

ZY0SP Side 1

ZY0SP Side 2

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