Fry mah hide! In Redneck, by The Dialectizer!

Th' manager of this hyar Web site, an' t' other HSCW Operato's,'d like t' Welcome yo' t' th' VHF DX oppo'tunities of HSCW Meteo' Scatter Operashun! Fry mah hide!

This hyar is a sho't note thet we is tryin' t' send out t' all noo operato's on HSCW, t' make sho'nuff thet ev'ryone is aware of th' resources an' he'ps thet is available. So eff'n yo' receive mo'e than one of these, it's simply on account o' ev'ryone be hankerin' yer operashun t' be as effeckive as postible!

We suggess thet yo' read this hyar quickly an' make a note of th' HSCW Web URLs listed hyar. We'd also ax thet yo' save this hyar in a sueytable direcko'y of yer hard drive so thet when yo' knows of t' other noo operato', yo' will haf this available t' send t' him, dawgone it.

Whuffo' try HSCW? Other than bein' sumpin else wif which t' experiment, it is much mo'e efficient than slow CW o' SSB meteo' scatter! Fry mah hide! How much mo'e? Wal, thet depends on condishuns, etc. But in juneral, if yo' haf a 10% chance of completin' a MS sked on SSB, yo' probably haf a 90% chance on HSCW! Fry mah hide! Not only thet, but HSCW is usable ev'ry day of th' year, not jest durin' th' peaks of majo' shower. This hyar is on account o' HSCW MS needs only th' brief pin's of spo'adic meteo's. Frackshunal-second unnerdense pin's is all thet is needed, cuss it all t' tarnation. An' these is available jest about ev'ry day. No, yo' kin't complete eff'n thar isn't at least a few pin's. But on a year of daily skeds, an 80% compleshun rate has been common most of th' time. Eff'n yo' haf a VHF SSB rig capable of auro'a, MS, etc. propagashun an' haf a computer wif a Soun'Blaster audio board, yer nearly ready t' try HSCW. (Thar is alternatives t' usin' a computer. See th' various papers on th' W6/PAØZN Web site, an' also on th' "Make Mo'e Miles on VHF" site).

This hyar "Welcome" is basically jest a reminner thet HSCW operashun is somewhut diffrunt fum other MS operashun, an' mighty diffrunt fum other VHF DX wawk. Fo' example, yo' probably already is aware thet thar are two completely diffrunt methods of statin' th' frequency t' be used fo' a sked, cuss it all t' tarnation. Yessuh, it's cornfusin', an' we kin't take th' space t' explain it hyar. But eff'n yer NOT aware of this, yo' will probably be on th' wrong frequency fo' ha'f of yer skeds! Also, most stashuns use th' European-style "two-number" repo't, while some use th' older bust-len'th "S" repo't on HSCW. An' most stashuns now use th' "Requess fo' Repeat" letters whenevah necessary so as not t' completely lose a QSO. While th' sequencin' fo' HSCW follers th' same procedure as fo' No'th South Car'linan slow-speed CW o' SSB MS, th' method of statin' it is slightly diffrunt on account o' of th' len'th of th' transmit period, cuss it all t' tarnation.

On account o' yer now on HSCW o' about ready t' give it a try, we figger thet yo' already haf th' above info'mashun, on account o' it is basic t' HSCW operashun. Howevah, it's postible thet someone has simply given yo' a copy of one of th' computer programs an' yer not aware of th' Web sites, HSCW Reflecko', Procedures, etc. We doesn't be hankerin' ennyone gittin' frestrated simply on account o' they didn't knows thet he'p is only a few key strokes away! Fry mah hide! Eff'n this hyar is old hat t' yo', please fo'give us. Simply put this hyar into yer files an' send a copy t' th' next feller thet yer tryin' t' he'p. But eff'n some of this hyar seems noo, try cornneckin' wif th' W6/PAØZN Web Site listed below an' look at all of th' he'ps available.

Th' Hub HSCW Web Site fo' No'th South Car'lina is helter-skelter by Rein, W6/PAØZN. Its URL, Shet mah mouth! is http://nitehawk. com/rasmit/ws1_15.html. Thar is sevahal VERY impo'tant thin's corncernin' HSCW t' be foun' on this hyar Web site:

1. Th' HSCW "Procedures" paper. This hyar covahs th' HSCW operatin' notes an' quesshuns fo' No'th South Car'linan HSCW operashun menshuned above, plus others. Obviously, eff'n yo' doesn't knows th' procedures, yo' will not does mighty fine, regardless of th' mode yer usin'.

2. Th' juneral "FAQ" o' "All yo' nevah wanted t' knows about HSCW".
A list of th' quesshuns most commonly axed about HSCW.

3. . A "Semi-Technical FAQ", listin' the dawgoned-est common technical quesshuns an' problems, plus a brief on overview of most of th' commonly-used HSCW programs an' equipment.

4. Links t' other necessary pages an' sites. Th' W6/PAØZN Web Site has a number of other files corncernin' sartin programs, pieces of equipment, an' other thin's relatin' t' MS an' HSCW operatin'. In addishun, thar are links t' other Web sites thet haf mighty impo'tant but mo'e specialized HSCW files. Af'er yo' knows whut yo' need, use these links t' find th' info'mashun.

5. Thar is a lot of other papers available on th' W6/PAØZN Web site. Most is mighty fine, some mo'e specialized than others. Included in these is th' Manual an' Operatin' Tips fo' MS_DSP, as fine as a link fo' downloadin' th' program itse'f. Also t' be foun' is some true antenna gains, interface circuits, an' much mo'e.

Eff'n yo' live in Europe, th' Region 1 HSCW Procedures is foun' at, dawgone it http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/vhfc/iaru.r1.vhfm.4e/5B.html

Please note thet HSCW is noo in No'th South Car'lina an' thin's is changin' rapidly. Eff'n th' date at th' bottom of this hyar page is mo'e than two o' three months old, some of th' thin's in it may be outta date. Th' bess way t' find out whut is current is t' git into th' main Web site, t' join th' HSCW Reflecko', o' t' send an E-mail message t' one of t' other HSCW operato's. An' if fo' some reason yo' kin't git into th' W6/PAØZN Web site (af'er all, computers, sarvers, phone lines, etc. does fail occashunally), try th' N1BUG Web site http://members.mint.net/n1bug, o' one of t' others; an' some is on this hyar site.

Eff'n yer not yet on the HSCW Reflecko', thass whar most of th' discusshun, schedules, etc. take place. Send a message, ah reckon, t' <majo'[email protected]> wif th' follerin' comman' in th' body of yer E-mail message: subscribe hsms. Then less knows when yer ready fo' yer fust schedule, o' eff'n yo' need addishunal he'p beyond th' above papers.

Remember, obviously, thet it is necessary t' have a basic unnerstan'in' of meteo' scatter operatin' in juneral, ah reckon. Fo' this, th' bess is still th' article by W4LTU. This, an' other necessary articles, kin be foun' in th' book, Beyond Line of Sight, available fum th' ARRL.

Good luck on th' pin's! 73,
Shelby, W8WN - EM77bq [email protected]
rev. 1999 Feb 08 (V. 8)

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