The manager of this Web site, and the other HSCW Operators, would like to Welcome you to the VHF DX opportunities of HSCW Meteor Scatter Operation!

This is a short note that we are trying to send out to all new operators on HSCW, to make sure that everyone is aware of the resources and helps that are available. So if you receive more than one of these, it's simply because everyone wants your operation to be as effective as possible!

We suggest that you read this quickly and make a note of the HSCW Web URLs listed here. We would also ask that you save this in a suitable directory of your hard drive so that when you know of another new operator, you will have this available to send to him.

Why try HSCW? Other than being something else with which to experiment, it is much more efficient than slow CW or SSB meteor scatter! How much more? Well, that depends on conditions, etc. But in general, if you have a 10% chance of completing a MS sked on SSB, you probably have a 90% chance on HSCW! Not only that, but HSCW is usable every day of the year, not just during the peaks of major shower. This is because HSCW MS needs only the brief pings of sporadic meteors. Fractional-second underdense pings are all that is needed. And these are available just about every day. No, you can't complete if there aren't at least a few pings. But on a year of daily skeds, an 80% completion rate has been common most of the time. If you have a VHF SSB rig capable of aurora, MS, etc. propagation and have a computer with a SoundBlaster audio board, you're nearly ready to try HSCW. (There are alternatives to using a computer. See the various papers on the W6/PAØZN Web site, and also on the "Make More Miles on VHF" site).

This "Welcome" is basically just a reminder that HSCW operation is somewhat different from other MS operation, and very different from other VHF DX work. For example, you probably already are aware that there are two completely different methods of stating the frequency to be used for a sked. Yes, it's confusing, and we can't take the space to explain it here. But if you are NOT aware of this, you will probably be on the wrong frequency for half of your skeds! Also, most stations use the European-style "two-number" report, while some use the older burst-length "S" report on HSCW. And most stations now use the "Request for Repeat" letters whenever necessary so as not to completely lose a QSO. While the sequencing for HSCW follows the same procedure as for North American slow-speed CW or SSB MS, the method of stating it is slightly different because of the length of the transmit period.

Since you are now on HSCW or about ready to give it a try, we figure that you already have the above information, since it is basic to HSCW operation. However, it's possible that someone has simply given you a copy of one of the computer programs and you are not aware of the Web sites, HSCW Reflector, Procedures, etc. We don't want anyone getting frustrated simply because they didn't know that help is only a few key strokes away! If this is old hat to you, please forgive us. Simply put this into your files and send a copy to the next fellow that you are trying to help. But if some of this seems new, try connecting with the W6/PAØZN Web Site listed below and look at all of the helps available.

The Hub HSCW Web Site for North America is run by Rein, W6/PAØZN. Its URL is http://nitehawk.com/rasmit/ws1_15.html. There are several VERY important things concerning HSCW to be found on this Web site:

1. The HSCW "Procedures" paper. This covers the HSCW operating notes and questions for North American HSCW operation mentioned above, plus others. Obviously, if you don't know the procedures, you will not do very well, regardless of the mode you are using.

2. The general "FAQ" or "All you never wanted to know about HSCW".
A list of the questions most commonly asked about HSCW.

3. . A "Semi-Technical FAQ", listing the most common technical questions and problems, plus a brief overview of most of the commonly-used HSCW programs and equipment.

4. Links to other necessary pages and sites. The W6/PAØZN Web Site has a number of other files concerning certain programs, pieces of equipment, and other things relating to MS and/or HSCW operating. In addition, there are links to other Web sites that have very important but more specialized HSCW files. After you know what you need, use these links to find the information.

5. There are a lot of other papers available on the W6/PAØZN Web site. Most are very good, some more specialized than others. Included in these are the Manual and Operating Tips for MS_DSP, as well as a link for downloading the program itself. Also to be found are some true antenna gains, interface circuits, and much more.

If you live in Europe, the Region 1 HSCW Procedures are found at http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/vhfc/iaru.r1.vhfm.4e/5B.html

Please note that HSCW is new in North America and things are changing rapidly. If the date at the bottom of this page is more than two or three months old, some of the things in it may be out of date. The best way to find out what is current is to get into the main Web site, to join the HSCW Reflector, or to send an E-mail message to one of the other HSCW operators. And if for some reason you can't get into the W6/PAØZN Web site (after all, computers, servers, phone lines, etc. do fail occasionally), try the N1BUG Web site http://members.mint.net/n1bug, or one of the others; and some are on this site.

If you are not yet on the HSCW Reflector, that's where most of the discussion, schedules, etc. take place. Send a message to <[email protected]> with the following command in the body of your E-mail message: subscribe hsms. Then let us know when you're ready for your first schedule, or if you need additional help beyond the above papers.

Remember, obviously, that it is necessary to have a basic understanding of meteor scatter operating in general. For this, the best is still the article by W4LTU. This, and other necessary articles, can be found in the book, Beyond Line of Sight, available from the ARRL.

Good luck on the pings!

73, Shelby, W8WN - E-mail,

rev. 1999 Feb 08 (V. 8)

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