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This is a rant about the seemingly unbridgeable dichotomy between "doers" and 'talkers.'

Lately, I am becoming sick of having to patiently listen to the talkers who seem to have all the great ideas and appropriate solutions to address and solve ALL problems of the world; they wail in high decibel shrill tones that nobody is acknowledging their contributions and initiatives... :-( there are other kinds of people who keep complaining, COMPLAINING, COMPlainING, compLAINing ad nauseam... Driven to desperation, I have been forced to pen this, not that I am complaining ;-) but... I hope this write up may help you folks to recognize these talkers (and complainers) and take appropriate remedial steps.

Er, by the way, as you may have realized by now, my humble solution to this earth shaking problem of doer-talker dichotomy, is to offer a third set of people called 'ranters;' but then, my rant against ranters and ranting in general will have to wait for some more time…


Most of these characters are indeed true (and are also reflective of _my_ attitudes at various points of time) and spring from incidents that actually happened - wherein I have played the role of either the protagonist or an antagonist.

I would actually say that any resemblance to anyone - of the character trait sketches - is NOT at all accidental. In fact, I have asked (or at least tried) the kind of questions that I have raised in this rant, but then most of these target individuals are so self centered, self absorbed and so full of self pity that, they just didn't get it...

For example, when I asked a very climate conscious individual (who was going on and on and on... about environmental degradation, atmospheric pollution, CFC, the way the ozone 'hole' is becoming bigger - the works - liberally borrowing from Rachel Carson, Winin Periera et al) - as to whether his car is air conditioned - he said YES! and added 'Why are you asking? How on earth can one drive on a hot summer day?' - righteous indignation, am sure... But then, in my sincere opinion, the complainers NEVER look inwards to see whether, they are themselves contributing to the problems! (probably this is the reason why they can think about solving the issues, the evil twin of me thinks... )

< ... and of course, as the editor of this write-up I have usurped the privileges of sitting on _the_ moral high ground and pontificating ad naseam, whereas in reality, I have, at least the minimum common denominator of the attributes of the characters described in various scenarios…

Scenario #1

Lately, Shreemali has registered a keen interest in the farming of the excel spreadsheet kind. Apparently he has read that illustrious tome 'One straw revolution' and the other -  'Permaculture primer' by Bill Mollison. Obviously he has instantly become a repository of all knowledge regarding those dreaded 'development' phrases  - 'sustainable agriculture,' 'biodiversity,' 'organic farming' etc… He has become a diehard activist of the swivel chair kind - and converts any and every discussion into sustainable vs unsustainable harangues!

Well, I told him one day about a settlement/commune of an 'alt' type near Bangalore, and apparently his highhandedness  had paid a visit to that place afterwards. When we met after a few days, he told me with a disdainful face that 'they are using a TRACTOR to till the land! How can the agriculture there be sustainable?' - An outburst of righteous indignation from a very concerned, ecologically aware citizen, I am sure.


(of course it transpired later that, 'actually' he had mistaken  a neighbouring farm to that of alt commune that he had visited! So much for Shreemali's powers of 'observation!')

Scenario #2

These days, there is a lot of press for RWH (for the uninitiated and non-un-in-disenfranchised folks out there, it is - rain water harvesting, the techniques that have been practised for thousands of years all over the world, wherever it had/has been possible) and our Amul Panigrahi has been reading a lot about it (Well, um, he actually read a textbook); being a socially aware person that he is, he tries to describe in detail how RWH can indeed save the world, create jobs, make the blind see, deaf hear etc - whenever he can corner a person; my eyes become moist when I hear Amul's missionary zeal... He keeps saying that in India, we waste a lot of water... Really sad, we need to do something about this... India definitely needs these kinds of dedicated youngsters, I tell myself. But then...


Essentially if there is a 'technology' or a buzzword from overseas, then it has to be swallowed hook, line and sinker - is it not? And if that could be abbreviated or better still - acronymized , the better it is... I get the idea - it is important to facetitiously utter development jargon, to be interpreted as a 'socially aware' person.

Scenario #3

Dick McLament never tires of sadly recounting those harrowing days as a hosteller at his grad school, even after the lapse of a full decade after 'those' days... "As my father did not approve of my activities at my grad school, he suddenly stopped sending money to me…" In a very pitiful tone, he would add that, subsequently (and consequently) he had to go without his morning breakfast most of the days… even if he were to have a breakfast, he could just manage to eat only a bun in place of a hearty meal because of this reason, he would add with a choking voice! Tch tch…


Scenario #4

Samaaj Newsreaderwallah is fuming. He has read in a newspaper (this is his only source of wisdom, after all, who has time to do research these days, in spite of the fact that we have much better access to information compared to yester years... and any way, if one has to do elaborate research how can one mouth instant solutions and erudite opinions) that Narendra Modi is targetting the minorities and has a plan for 'ethnic cleansing!' - When asked for proof, he said it is obvious from the 'fact' that Narendra Modi did not have ONE friend from minorities... and not even a SINGLE magazine supports Narendra Modi...


Am not holding a brief for Narendra Modi - but is it not unfair to brand a person based on a few pieces of newspaper reportage, reports from 'foreign funded' NGOs and the like? Is a life 'belonging' to one sect superior to that of another? On the other hand, how does one learn to differentiate between news, analysis, opinion, propaganda (with appropriate overloading of left or right spins) and good ol' venom?

Scenario #5

Selfanointed Geeko Rao knows that he has quite a good set of ideas; lately he has been reading 'tabloid' business journals and is forever talking about 'providing value to customers!' Yikes!! Geeko says that, he has come up with very eminent product 'ideas' - of course he feels that they were all capable of 'providing value to customers' - but then, they weren't pursued by the sales people in his company at all! Horror of all horrors! :-( 'One very seriously wants to contribute to the company - and look what they are doing to me' - all that lament again!


It is all very easy to talk derogatorily about the marketing/sales folks. In my opinion, if one is convinced about an idea, then he/she should be willing to defend it - from all perspectives. And, what about branching off on ones own, if one is so very convinced about the business proposition stemming from a technology idea?

Scenario #6

A few years' back I met with David Goliath, who I thought was a normal, next door guy - all along. But suddenly, during the course of a pleasant evening, he stormed out of his room saying that 'It is only after the Brettonwoods agreement of 1944 that the seeds were sown for MNCs! These bloody MNCs are responsible for all the ills of the world!'

Though I was instantly blinded by this dazzling flash of original insight, later I found that he had lately been going through Dave Korten's 'When corporations rule the world.' It would not be out of place to mention that he was working as a programmer with a big MNC, of course. But probably, he was there to get some 'insider' perspective! ;-)


Questions, questions...

If these kinds of guys with absolutely no ability to do research or debug, become programmers, what kind of software or hardlyware or whatever - would they be writing/designing? If my life were to depend on these kinds of programmers, I would rather getaway and take to living in caves, whatever...

Scenario #7

One evening when I met with Rumouraj Monger, his whole body was feverish with excitement; apparently his mother-in-law had visited him and found sufficient time to gossip about the alleged sexcapades (many decades back) of the current prime minister of India. Rumouraj is for righteous behaviour as long as he was lecturing to someone else and just like any of us, is also for purity in public life.


In one of the most beautiful books that I have read (Jones, Mark and Patricia Collette - Realizing Our Dreams. Relevant context for this discussion available at http://www.soilandhealth.org/03sov/0304spiritpsych/030402jones/03040203.html; thanks to that remarkable individual Steve Solomon, the whole book is available online) there are a few things that are made clear. For example, we create elaborate facades about/on ourselves (like: I am a highly principled person) and we conscioulsy believe them. But our basic characteristics, from which our vibrations (that I am a highly ... etc) stem, are programmed in our subconscious minds. Some of these, may be limiting beliefs - such as "I am devious, unprincipled person" - in this frame of mind, we systematically attribute all kinds of vices to others, whereas in reality, we suffer from the same...

Scenario #8

Crass Pollinator feels that for any development to take place, external intervention is necessary. He is one of those who feel that India is a staid and stagnant civilization and has been lumbering along in delirium for the past 5000 years. He ardently feels that - but for the advent of the civilizing mission of the Christian missionaries and the great contributing factors of the British imperialism - India would still continue to be a 'backward' nation.

During the course of a conversation a few months back, Crass suddenly came up with a data point in that Rukmini (Arundale) would not have made contributions for the bringing in of respectability to 'Bharathanatyam' - but for the intervention of a white (an 'external' force) as in Arundale (a theosophist associated with the movement based in Madras)! He followed up the same with an assertion that, civilizations like India are so old and rocksolid that they refuse to change or correct themselves. And therefore, external influence is the only one that can save countries like India.


Scenario #9

Naveen Kiranagharan is a person driven by an urge to learn musical things - both western and Indian... He had a zest to learn various things, but then unfortunately, he never developed a tendency to persevere - it may be blamed on his short attention span... So he invariably copped out of all these endeavors on one pretext ot the other.

For example when he tried to learn Karnatic music (the traditional 'big culture' codified music of south India) - it had to be from one teacher who incidentally had to be a 'Brahmin.' And at a later point of time, when he had to cop out from this endeavor for some reason, then he rather conveniently blamed it on the 'brahmin arrogance' of the teacher - he said that it was because of this reason that he had to discontinue the learning of the karnatic music...

Scenario #10

Norman L Programmer is moving around in a major frenzy these days... His latest discovery is Neuro Linguistic Programming (unfortunately, he had gone through one of the NLP evangelization programs; this is my complaint against these kinds of selfhelp courses - they just don't follow carefully laid down entry criteria, with the result that non-serious individuals (like our Norman) get in just because they can afford the fee quantum!) and just like any other neo_convert any new concept - he feels that all ills of the world can be solved using NLP. He is thoroughly convinced that he can convince his brain to convince his body that - it is capable of miracles. He practices his new fangled NLP factoids on anyone and anything that he comes across. He even told me that, in just a 2 hour session, he made his (one of his) relative's chronic arthritis ailment vanish! I hope he has gone thru that nice and succinct article "Will the real NLP come forward?" by Sue Knight available at: http://www.uandinfinity.com/realnlp.htm


Scenario #11

Karate_Sans_Sense San is full of verve and vigour these days. It is because KSS San has been learning Aikido, Tai chi, Karate (accredited to one of the jap sounding schools like Nikkuma Nikkada Dojo), Kalari payattu and what not... And, a few months back KSS and I were walking along a rather busy sidewalk of Infantry Road, Bangalore - when we were accosted by a rather tame looking beggar who wanted some money. We could have simply said sorry and could have walked away - but then my illustrious comrade was so annoyed with the beggar that he was talking in terms of giving him a swift karate kick on his solar plexus! I was aghast and suggested that probably the beggar (a mussalman) interpreted us as devout muslims (both of us had flowing beards sans skull cap, and it was the month of ramadaan) and therefore badgered us for alms... But then sadly, KSS continued to spit fire and brimstone for some more time, till his hot blood cooled down! Why am I even surprised?


Scenario #12

Dejavu Renigunta has too good a memory! He will certainly remember what he heard or read or saw - but then he would systematically twist them so that, ('First get the facts; you can distort them at your leisure' -- Mark Twain) at a later point of time they all become his 'own' facts and his 'logically reasoned_out view points!' I did not understand the philosophy behind that feeling of dejavu, but then, when I heard him passing off my opinion (uttered by me sometime earlier) as his own, I saw the light as in a typical zen story.



As I have been repeatedly saying elsewhere in my rants:

Over a period of many years, I find that I have also enacted the above described kinds of scenarios with much panache and aplomb... But then I have realized the following:

Please send me ([email protected]) your comments 
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all rites reversed 2003ramjee (ramjee swaminathan)
18:09 4/14/2003