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On April 15 midnight, 2003, my YL Nandita suddenly overheard 'Captain Fatty' on our TV and immediately she drew my attention. We were lucky to watch Captain Fatty Goodlander (Tim) & Carolyn on the 'Sony channel' interviewed by Derek O'brian from Bournvita Quiz (this was recorded earlier when they were at Kochi) immediately I recorded his voice. (The audio clip is available here to download-Right click and choose 'Save Target As' to save and replay). This is the first time that my YL could hear the real voice of Cap'n Fatty Goodlander!..Because when I contact him from my house, even I can barely retrieve the audio amidst the high noise due to my poor antenna and my equipment lacks the DSP noise reduction unit! As if I am talking to an imaginary voice! But from VU2NCT club the contacts are good. It was a very thrilling experience for me to see him on the TV.