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The Q-Codes used by ham radio stations for Radio
Telegraphy (Morse Code) communication

QRA?     What is the name (callsign) of your station?
QRG?     Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that of ........)?
QRH?     Does my frequency vary?
QRI?       How is the tone of my transmission?
QRK?     What is the readibility of my signals (or those of........)?
QRL?      Are you busy?
QRM?     Are you being interfered with?
QRN?     Are you being troubled by static?
QRQ?     Shall I send faster?
QRS?      Shall I send slowly?
QRT?      Are you going to close down?
QRU?     Have you anything for me?
QRV?     Are you ready?
QRW?    Shall I inform ..........that you are calling him on ........MHz.
QRX?     When will you call me again?
QRZ?     Who is calling me?
QSA?     What is my signal strength?
QSB?      Are my signals fading?
QSL?      Can you acknowledge receipt?
QSO?     Can you communicate with .......... direct or by relay?
QSU?     Shall I send or reply on this frequency (or on ........MHz by,.........mode)?
QSV?     Shall I send a series of 'V'?
QSW?    Will you send on ........MHz by ...........mode?
QSX?     Will you listen to ........... on .........MHz?
QSY?     Shall I change my frequency?
QTC?     How many telegrams have you to send?
QTH?     What is your location?
QTR?     What is the correct time?
QUM?     Is the distress traffic ended?