TASMANIA, the beautiful island state of Australia exhibits many unique features, one of which is the Tasmanian Devil.

This award is named after the Devil itself and you will find that it is as elusive as the name would suggest.
To qualify for the Award:

To qualify for the award it is necessary to make contact with a certain number of Tasmanian amateurs, the number being dependant upon your own QTH as listed below:


Australia:                                     50 Contacts
Oceania and Antarctica                30 Contacts
North America and Asia               20 Contacts
Europe and South America           10 Contacts
Africa                                             7 Contacts.

Contact is to be made with 20 VK7 stations with at least one contact made in each of the Southern, Northern and NorthWest Branch districts.  Repeaters may be utilised.

Satelite contacts via amateur satelites with cross band to HF is allowed if your licence permits such transmissions.
Claim for the Award

To make a claim for the Tasmanian Devil Award applicants must forward to the Awards Manager the following information:

1.  a copy of the claim log with the appliant's name, address and callsign;
2.  a copy of the claim log indicating the callsign of the stations contacted, the band utilised, the date, time mode of emission and signal reports exchanged with each station worked;
3.  a copy of the claim log signed by the applicant.  No counter signature is required; and
4.  each claim for the Award is to be accompanied by AUD$3.00 from within Australia, or AUD$5.00 from countries other than Australia, or the equivalent in IRC's to cover the cost of the Award and postage.

All contacts made since 1 January 1978 are allowable for claims for this Award.

Copies of logs and the fee are to be sent to:

The Awards Manager
Wireless Institute of Australia
Tasmanian Division
GPO Box 371D
HOBART  7001
Description of award

The Award measures 205mm by 230mm, and is printed on pale light blue card with a map of Tasmanin in green positioned in the centre of it.  The head of a Tasmanian devil, in black with a red nose and mouth is over-printed within the map of Tasmania.

Many operators around the world have availed themselves of our famous "TASMANIAN DEVIL AWARD". Award holders are reminded that there are updates available as to the number of contacts that you have made with Tasmanian operators. These updates are numbered:  50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300.  If you qualify for an update please forward copies of your log/files to the awards manager (me) for processing at the above address:

                               GOOD HUNTING