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Quintessential QSL's

Message in a bottle ....

Don't get left behind on the tide!   Get your QSL on it's way.   A message in a bottle may be romantic but it's not too reliable, so better stick to the good old postal service.   Address to:

                           VK4AAR     Alan Roocroft  
                       PO Box 421
                       Queensland  4343                   

and please, don't forget your SSAE and green stamps or IRC's to ensure a speedy reply.   It'd be a great pity to let your effort go to waste just for the sake of the return postage.  Any contributions towards printing costs etc would earn our heartfelt gratitude too.   It's a huge exercise getting all the cards out, but our aim is to reply to all QSL's within 6 months.  

Now click on Alan's name to learn a bit about our QSL Manager and put a face to the name ....

Crafty Clarrie.

You won't find Clarrie the Crab missing out!  He's off and running already to catch the post ..... with his green stamps included, of course.



VK4AAR     Alan

Hi there folks,  let me introduce myself.  I'm Alan Roocroft,VK4AAR, Alan, busy looking after the QSL cards and keeping the info flowing between our intrepid DXpeditioners and home base. QSL Manager for the Timor Sea DX Group.

I was first licenced in Adelaide in 1978 but was initially attracted to Amateur Radio before leaving school in 1948.  Army service, then a move to Australia with the family interrupted my involvement with the hobby.  I bought a second hand 27 MHz Chicken Band set in 1977 and that very quickly led me back into Amateur Radio as I joined the Elizabeth ARC and studied for my ticket.

My CB activities lasted only 3 months but during that time, in hind sight, I'm sure I talked to Wally on Cockatoo Island .... or it may have been someone on Koolan Island.  My 20 year service with GMH in Elizabeth came to an end when I took early retirement in April 1993 and moved to our 10 acre property in Queensland, and VK4AAR was born.

My main passions are DXCC (327 confirmed) and, currently, USA County Hunting (to date I have 3,041 counties out of the 3,076 total).  Managing DX and IOTA operations put a lot of added spice into the hobby for me.  Some that I manage are:--  ZK2JJ, ZK2PJ, YJ8AA, V63PD, VU3RSB, VI0ANARE, VK8MI, VK8AV/3, VK8AN/8 and, of course, the inimitable VK8AN/6 on OC-154.  Do you need my services?  Email me at [email protected]   There's no charge.

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