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About the nutorious Squirralien,

It has been the most likely suspect in the serious

case of the missing and canabalised nuts,

so guard your nuts and be warned,

If you have any information that may help in the

capture of the nutorious Squirralien, then PLEASE

contact us at the Society of Secret Squirrels.




The prefered method of communications for the

nutorious Squirraliens, is a specially encrypted

Squirralien language, this language is most commonly

sent by radio waves using a cross band form of

transmission on a top secret radio frequency

combination simultaniously,

the equiptment used for this is the





Top Secret Area

Please do not try to enter with out the correct password,

ONE failed attempt will release a worm

this worm will completely destroy your hard drive

within 24 hours of release, there is no return.




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